Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
RJ_value 4049 RJ value device temperature for temperature compensation. R Float 2050
RJ_preset_value_1 404B RJ preset value 1 Use this function to define the fixed preset value for temperature compensation.-50 to +87℃ R/W Float 2048
RJ_preset_value_2 404C RJ preset value 2 Use this function to define the fixed preset value for temperature compensation.-50 to +87℃ R/W Float 2048
Sensor_type_1 404E Sensor type 1 Settings for sensor input 1. R/W Enum 2050
Sensor_type_2 4043 Sensor type 2 Settings for sensor input 2. R/W Enum 2050
Connection_type_1 404F Connection type 1 Use this function to select the connection type for the sensor 1. R/W Enum 2050
Connection_type_2 4050 Connection type 2 Use this function to select the connection type for the sensor 2. R/W Enum 2050
Reference_junction_1 4051 Reference junction 1 Use this function to select reference juntion measurement for temperature compensation of thermocouples(TC). R/W Enum 2050
Reference_junction_2 4052 Reference junction 2 Use this function to select reference juntion measurement for temperature compensation of thermocouples(TC). R/W Enum 2050
Channel_diagnostics_1 4053 Channel diagnostics 1 Use this function to display the diagnostics messages of sensor channel. R Enum 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class