Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
press_unit 4014 Unit of Pressure R/W Enum 0
temp_unit 406B Unit of Temp R Enum 0
unit_dummy 406C Unit Dummy R/W Unsigned 0
current_date_device 406D Current Date Current Date based upon the real-time clock in the field device R HartDate 2
current_time_device_int 406E Current Time Current Time based upon the real-time clock in the field device R Unsigned 2
real_time_clock_date 406F Real Time Clock Date Date to set the real-time clock in the field device to, or date that the real-time clock was last set R/W HartDate 0
real_time_clock_time_int 4070 Real Time Clock Time Time to set the real time clock in the field device to, or time that the real-time clock was last set R/W Unsigned 0
real_time_clock_date_local 4071 Real Time Clock Date Date to set the real-time clock in the field device to, or date that the real-time clock was last set R/W HartDate 4096
real_time_clock_time_local_int 4072 Real Time Clock Time Time to set the real time clock in the field device to, or time that the real-time clock was last set R/W Unsigned 4096
real_time_clock_time_local_h 4073 Hour (0-23) R/W Unsigned 4096
real_time_clock_time_local_m 4074 Minute (0-59) R/W Unsigned 4096
real_time_clock_time_local_s 4075 Second (0-59) R/W Unsigned 4096
rtc_flag 4076 Real Time Clock Flags R BitEnum 0
password_use 4077 Password Use R Enum 0
password 4078 Password R/W Password 0
dummy_password1 4079 Password R/W Password 4096
dummy_password2 407A Password (Confirm) R/W Password 4096
balance_press_ratio 407B Balance Press Ratio R Float 2
ope_records_date1_y 407C Date 1 (Y) R Unsigned 0
ope_records_date2_y 407D Date 2 (Y) R Unsigned 0
ope_records_date3_y 407E Date 3 (Y) R Unsigned 0
ope_records_date4_y 407F Date 4 (Y) R Unsigned 0
ope_records_date5_y 4080 Date 5 (Y) R Unsigned 0
ope_records_date6_y 4081 Date 6 (Y) R Unsigned 0
ope_records_date7_y 4082 Date 7 (Y) R Unsigned 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class