Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
zero_correct_current 4030 Zero Correct Current R Float 2048
zero_correct_count 4031 Count R Integer 2048
sw_write_protect 4032 Software Write Protect Software Write Protect- Displays the status of software write protection. R/W Enum 2048
hw_write_protect 4033 Hardware Write Protect Hardware Write Protect- Displays the status of hardware write protection. R Enum 2048
analog_output_conf 4021 Analog Output Configuration R Enum 2048
hardware_equipment 400F Hardware Equipment R/W BitEnum 2048
fw_sw_version 4034 Software Version R Unsigned 2048
height 40B4 Height Height- Compensates for the effects of temperature change on the fill fluid of the remote sealed transmitter. User must enter the distance between the flanges in order to use this compensation. R/W Float 32
set_output_value 4035 Set Output Value R/W Float 4096
set_burnout_sim 40B5 Burnout Simulation R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class