Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
lower_trim_value 400A LowTrim This value is lower trim point of two point trim R Float 2048
upper_trim_value 400B UpTrim This value is upper trim point of two point trim R Float 2048
point_position 4016 Trim Mode Select trim mode R/W Enum 8
current_value 4018 Current trim value Current PV value R/W Float 2048
apply_value 4019 Apply trim value Change current value to apply value for trim R/W Float 2048
Dev_Xmtr_Var_Code 401B Xmtr Variable Device transmitter variable code W Enum 8
apt_3200_Sen_Type_Code 404A Xmtr Sensor Type Pressure Tranmitter Sensor Type Code R Enum 8
lcd_display_mode 401E LCD Display Mode LCD mode R/W Enum 8
eng_xfer_ftn 4048 Engr. Xfer Fnctn R/W Enum 8
decimal_place 404B Decimal Place R/W Enum 8
eng_range_unit 4043 Engr. Range Unit R/W Enum 8
eng_lower_range 4046 Engr. LRV R/W Float 2048
eng_upper_range 4047 Engr. URV R/W Float 2048
eng_user_defined_unit 4060 User Defined unit R/W ASCII 2048
zero_adjust_value 4050 Adjust value Change current PV to zero adjustmet value R/W Float 2048
adjust_division 4061 Adjust Mode Select Zero Adjust mode R/W Enum 8
cut_off_value 4022 Cut-Off Value R/W Float 2048
cut_off_mode 4023 Cut-OFF Mode R/W Enum 8
temp_unit 4055 Temp Unit W Enum 8
pressure_unit 4056 Pressure Unit W Enum 8
vol_flow_unit 4057 Volumetric flow Unit W Enum 8
velocity_unit 4059 Velocity Unit W Enum 8
volume_unit 405A Velocity Unit W Enum 8
length_unit 405B Length Unit W Enum 8
time_unit 405C Time Unit W Enum 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class