Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
rForwardConstant 4007 p spe Separate Evaluation Factor for the positive flow. R/W Float 8
rBackwardConstant 4008 n spe Separate Evaluation Factor for the negative flow. R/W Float 8
rLowFlowConstant 4009 b spe Serves to adjust possible measureing deviations in the complete system for lower flow rates. R/W Float 8
rSpanConstant 4025 Span Calibration value of the transmitter. R/W Float 8
rOffsetConstant 4026 Offset Calibration value of the transmitter. R/W Float 8
rMinVolFactor 400B Vmin Smallest permissible measuring amount. R/W Float 8
dwChecksum 4037 eprsum Display of checksum of the program. R Integer 2048
wCalChecksum 4038 eparasum Display of checksum for the calibration data. R Integer 2048
wDataChecksum 4039 nparasum Display of checksum for the other data. R Integer 2048
wSensorType 403A Sensor Type Display of sensor types R Integer 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class