Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
cFlowRateUnits 4000 Flow Rate Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 8
rFlowRateValue 4027 V TBD R Float 10
rFlowRateUpperSensorLimit 4028 USL TBD R Float 8
rFlowRateLowerSensorLimit 4029 LSL TBD R Float 8
rFlowRateMinimumSpan 402A Min span TBD R Float 8
rFlowRateDampingValue 402B Damping TBD R Float 8
cFlowRateClassification 402C R Enum 2048
cFlowRateDataQuality 402D R Integer 10
cFlowRateLimitStatus 402E R Integer 10
cFlowRateDeviceFamilyStatus 402F R Integer 10
sensor_serial_number 4030 PV Snsr s/n Numero di serie sensore - Identifica in modo univoco il sensore da cui deriva principalmente la rappresentazione del valore digitale o la variabile dispositivo di campo. R Unsigned 2048
cTotalUnits 4031 Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R Enum 8
rTotal_1Value 4032 Total 1 (V) TBD R Float 10
rTotal_2Value 4033 Total 2 (V2) TBD R Float 10
rTotal_3Value 4034 Total 3 (SV) TBD R Float 10
rUnitConvFactor 4035 m dim TBD R Float 8
rPipeDiameter 4024 DN Pipe Diameter of the Tranmsitter R/W Float 2048
rLowFlowSuppression 4011 LFS Deterines the threshold value above which the flow totalizer is active.This setting is a percentage of the full-scale rate Qmax R/W Float 32
wAverage 4014 Average Determines the number of individual measurements required for the value calculation, i.e. determines the response time of the display. R/W Enum 8
wPipeDetect 4015 Pipe Detect Enables or Disables the internal Empty Pipe Detection which suppresses erroneous flow measurement caused by a partially empty flow tube. R/W Enum 8
wOutputMode 4016 Output Mode Determines the operation of the pulse outputs. R/W Integer 1024
wCurrentMode 401A Current mode Determines the electrical characteristic of the analog output. R/W Enum 2048
wStandbyMode 401B Standby Mode Reduces power consumption during metering pauses by turnin off meter coil excitation current. R/W Enum 2048
wParMode 400F Parameter Mode Security function for the parameters which allows the parameters to be protected agains unauthorized changes. R/W Enum 2048
rQmax 4036 Qmax Determines the scaling of the analog output, 100% Qmax = 20 mA. R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class