Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
wIN1Debounce 401F it1 Debouncing time Minimum ON time duration required at the digital input IN1 to recognize a valid input. R/W Integer 1024
wIN2Debounce 4020 it2 Debouncing time Minimum ON time duration required at the digital input IN2 to recognize a valid input. R/W Integer 1024
wIN3Debounce 4021 it3 Debouncing time Minimum ON time duration required at the digital input IN3 to recognize a valid input. R/W Integer 1024
wIN4Debounce 4022 it4 Debouncing time Minimum ON time duration required at the digital input IN4 to recognize a valid input. R/W Integer 1024
wQType 4018 Q-Typ Determines whether the flow rate indication is displayed in units per Minute or per Hour such as gal/h or gal/min. R/W Enum 8
wV1Format 400D V1 Format Sets the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point for the display of the main totalizer V1. R/W Integer 256
wV2Format 4017 V2 Format Sets the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point for the display of the totalizer V2. R/W Integer 256
wDecimalPoint 4019 Decimal Pt. Selects period (.) or comma (,) as the display symbol for the decimal point. R/W Enum 256
wDisplayMode 400E Display Mode Determines whether the display unit is to be additionally checked (for trade use). R/W Enum 256
rCalConstant 4006 m spe Calibration factor: Factor serves to adjust the possible measuring deviations in the complete system. R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class