Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
acCalStartTime 40B0 R/W ASCII 8
acVerifyStartTime 40B1 R/W ASCII 8
cCalCycle 40B2 Cal Cycle R/W Integer 8
cVerifyCycle 40B3 Verify Cycle R/W Integer 8
acCalendarTime 40B4 The time is R/W ASCII 2048
acCalendarDate 40B5 The date is R/W HartDate 2048
cAlarmIndex 40B6 R/W Index 4096
rProcessAlarmSetpoint 4089 Proc Alrm Set Pt R/W Float 1024
rEILowAlarmSetpoint 408B Low Alrm Set Pt R/W Float 1024
cProcessAlarmConfigure 408D Proc Alrm Config R/W Enum 1024
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class