Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
users_unit 406C Users Unit Display Unit - Unit that is displayed on the LCD Display R/W ASCII 2048
rearrange_shift 406D Rearrange Shift Rearrange Shift R/W Float 8
rearrange_ampl 406E Rearrange Ampl Rearrange Ampl R/W Float 8
channel_number 406F Channel Number W Enum 8
wrd_SSMod_H_2 4071 Dev. Spec Status Byte 2 Device Specific Status Byte 2 R BitEnum 4097
eep_max_work_press_uc 4073 Max pres unit Units code selectable for the Max working press parameter. R Enum 0
eep_max_work_press 4074 Max work pres Max process pressure applicable to the device for a correct working. R Float 0
eep_min_work_press_uc 4075 Min pres unit Units code selectable for the Min working press parameter. R Enum 0
eep_min_work_press 4076 Min work pres Min process pressure applicable to the device for a correct working. R Float 0
eep_min_temp_unit_code 4077 Min temp unit Units code selectable for the Min temperature parameter. R Enum 0
eep_min_temp_value 4078 Min temp value Min temperature applicable to the device for a correct working. R Float 0
eep_max_temp_unit_code 4079 Max temp unit Units code selectable for the Max temperature parameter. R Enum 0
eep_max_temp_value 407A Max temp value Max temperature applicable to the device for a correct working. R Float 0
cpu_hardware_major_revision 407B CPU hard major rev. CPU hard major rev. R Unsigned 0
cpu_hardware_minor_revision 407C CPU hard minor rev. CPU hard minor rev. R Unsigned 0
cpu_hardware_rev 407D CPU Hard Rev. CPU Hardware Revision R Float 4096
cpu_software_major_revision 407F CPU soft major rev. CPU Soft Rev. R Unsigned 0
cpu_software_minor_revision 4080 CPU soft minor rev. R Unsigned 0
cpu_software_rev 4081 CPU Soft Rev. CPU Software Revision R Float 4096
master_software_major_revision 4083 Master soft major rev. R Unsigned 0
master_software_minor_revision 4084 Master soft minor rev. R Unsigned 0
master_software_rev 4085 Master Soft Rev. Master Software Revision R Float 4096
slave_software_major_revision 4087 Slave soft major rev. R Unsigned 0
slave_software_minor_revision 4088 Slave soft minor rev. R Unsigned 0
slave_software_rev 4089 Slave Soft Rev. Slave Software Revision R Float 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class