Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
kind_of_trim 4005 Kind of trim User calibrations (sensor calibrations) are replaced by the original factory calibrations. W Enum 32
product_code 4006 Product code Product code as generated from the product catalogue. It is related to the pressure trasmitter and its optional. A modification of the product code will not affect device functionally. R ASCII 2048
separator_code 4007 Separator code Product code as generated from the product catalogue. It is related to the Remote Seal connected to the positive side of the transmitter. If no remote seal connected the code is blank. A modification of the product code will not affect device functionally. R ASCII 2048
manifold_code 4008 Manifold code Product code as generated from the product catalogue. It is related to the Remote Seal connected to the negative side of the transmitter.If no remote seal connected the code is blank. A modification of the product code will not affect device functionally R ASCII 2048
long_tag 4009 Long tag Tag 24 ASCII character R/W ASCII 2048
startpoint_rad 2B0A Startpoint rad Determines the transition from linear resp. 4mA-constant to square root (Transfer Function). R/W Float 32
electronic_temp_units 400A Unit Units code selectable for the Electronic Temperature variable R Enum 32
electronic_temp_value 400B Value Electronics Temperature- Temperature of the electronics that is responsible for the process measurements, and the HART communications R Float 40
temp_glowicy_value 400C Value Electronics Temperature- Temperature of the electronics that is responsible for the process measurements, and the HART communications R Float 40
temp_adc_value 400D Value Electronics Temperature- Temperature of the electronics that is responsible for the process measurements, and the HART communications R Float 40
old_customer_code 402F Old customer security code Old customer security code W Integer 2048
new_customer_code 4030 New customer security code New customer security code W Integer 2048
protect_code 4032 Customer code Customer code W Integer 2048
x20 4034 x20 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x19 4035 x19 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x18 4036 x18 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x17 4037 x17 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x16 4038 x16 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x15 4039 x15 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x14 403A x14 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x13 403B x13 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x12 403C x12 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x11 403D x11 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x10 403E x10 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
x9 403F x9 Polynomial Coefficient R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class