Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
FormatMeasurementDisplayLine3Page1 413E Format 3rd Value Select the format for the third measurement line (Fct. C6.4.9) R/W Enum 0
FormatMeasurementDisplayLine3Page2 413F Format 3rd Value Select the format for the third measurement line (Fct. C6.5.9) R/W Enum 0
FreeUnitFactorLength 4140 Factor (Fct. C7.5.2.3) R/W Float 0
FreeUnitFactorMass 4141 Factor (Fct. C7.5.6.3) R/W Float 0
FreeUnitFactorVolume 4142 Factor (Fct. C7.5.4.3) R/W Float 0
FreeUnitOffsetLength 4143 Offset (Fct. C7.5.2.2) R/W Float 0
FreeUnitOffsetMass 4144 Offset (Fct. C7.5.6.2) R/W Float 0
FreeUnitOffsetVolume 4145 Offset (Fct. C7.5.4.2) R/W Float 0
FreeUnitTextLength 4146 Text (Fct. C7.5.2.1) R/W ASCII 0
FreeUnitTextMass 4147 Text (Fct. C7.5.6.1) R/W ASCII 0
FreeUnitTextVolume 4148 Text (Fct. C7.5.4.1) R/W ASCII 0
HeightStillwell 4149 Stilling Well Height Enter the stilling well height (Fct. C1.3) R/W Float 0
HpFilterType 414B HP Filter Type (Fct. D1.3) R/W Unsigned 0
LanguageLocalDisplay 414C Language Change the language of the HMI display (Fct. C6.1) R/W Enum 0
LevelHighAlarmOutputCurrentA 414D High Error Current Enter high alarm current (Fct. C4.1.8) R/W Float 0
LevelHighAlarmOutputCurrentB 414E High Error Current Enter high alarm current (Fct. C4.2.8) R/W Float 0
LevelLowAlarmOutputCurrentA 414F Low Error Current Enter low alarm current (Fct. C4.1.7) R/W Float 0
LevelLowAlarmOutputCurrentB 4150 Low Error Current Enter low alarm current (Fct. C4.2.7) R/W Float 0
MinPeakRequired 4151 Min Peak req. (Fct. C2.9) R/W Float 0
MinPlausabilityWindow 4152 Min Plaus. Window (Fct. C2.10) R/W Float 0
ModeMeasuring 4153 Measuring Mode Select the measuring mode. (Fct. C2.4) R/W Enum 0
NumberOfIntPoints 4154 Num. of Int. Points (Fct. D1.2) R/W Unsigned 0
NumberOfSubBands 4155 Num. of Sub-Bands (Fct. D1.1) R/W Unsigned 0
OffsetExtSensorCalibration 4156 Corr. Offset Ext (Fct. D3.3.7) R Float 0
OffsetManSensorCalibration 4157 Man. Corr. Offset (Fct. D3.3.1) R/W Float 0
OffsetMidSensorCalibration 4158 Corr. Offset Mid (Fct. D3.3.5) R Float 0
OffsetReference 4159 Reference Offset Reference Offset allows shifting the distance output, e.g. to compensate different installation heights across a facility (Fct. C1.10) R/W Float 0
OffsetSensorCalibration 415A Corr. Offset (Fct. D3.3.3) R Float 0
OffsetTankBottom 415B Tank Bottom Offset Tank Bottom Offset allows shifting the level output value, e.g. to compensate different installation heights across a facility (Fct. C1.11) R/W Float 0
OperatingTime 415C Operating Time [s] Total operating time of the device in seconds. (Fct. B2.1, D4.1.1) R Unsigned 0
OptionEmptySpectrum 415D Empty Spectrum Enable Empty Spectrum mode can be used to improve results by removing unwanted reflections from installations (ladders, struts, nozzles etc) (Fct. C2.8) R/W Enum 0
OptionLinesDisplayPage1 415E Function Select the measurement page type (Fct. C6.4.1) R/W Enum 0
OptionLinesDisplayPage2 415F Function Select the measurement page type (Fct. C6.5.1) R/W Enum 0
OptionMeasurementDisplayLine1Page1 4160 1st Value Variable Select the variable for the first measurement line (Fct. C6.4.2) R/W Enum 0
OptionMeasurementDisplayLine1Page2 4162 1st Value Variable Select the variable for the first measurement line (Fct. C6.5.2) R/W Enum 0
OptionMeasurementDisplayLine2Page1 4163 2nd Value Variable Select the variable for the second measurement line (Fct. C6.4.6) R/W Enum 0
OptionMeasurementDisplayLine2Page2 4164 2nd Value Variable Select the variable for the second measurement line (Fct. C6.5.6) R/W Enum 0
OptionMeasurementDisplayLine3Page1 4165 3rd Value Variable Select the variable for the third measurement line (Fct. C6.4.8) R/W Enum 0
OptionMeasurementDisplayLine3Page2 4166 3rd Value Variable Select the variable for the third measurement line (Fct. C6.5.8) R/W Enum 0
OptionMeasurementOutputCurrentA 4167 Current Out. 1 Var. Select the current output variable (Fct. C4.1.1, C5.1.4.1) R/W Enum 0
OptionMeasurementOutputCurrentB 4169 HART sec./CO2 Var. Select the current output variable (Fct. C4.2.1, C5.1.4.2) R/W Enum 0
OptionMeasurementQuaternaryVariable 416B Quaternary Var. Select 4th HART variable (available via HART only) (Fct. C5.1.4.4) R/W Enum 0
OptionMeasurementTertiaryVariable 416D Tertiary Var. Select 3rd HART variable (available via HART only) (Fct. C5.1.4.3) R/W Enum 0
OptionMultipleReflection 416F Mult. Refl. Enable Multiple Reflection Mode improves measurement reliability for some tank geometries. (Fct. C2.7) R/W Enum 0
OptionOverfillDetection 4170 Overfill Detection (Fct. C2.5) R/W Enum 0
OptionRangeOutputCurrentA 4171 Current Out. Range Select the output range (Fct. C4.1.4) R/W Enum 0
OptionRangeOutputCurrentB 4172 Current Out. Range Select the output range (Fct. C4.2.4) R/W Enum 0
OptionSignalAlarmOutputCurrentA 4173 Error Function Specify error current. (Fct. C4.1.5) R/W Enum 0
OptionSignalAlarmOutputCurrentB 4174 Error Function Specify error current. (Fct. C4.2.5) R/W Enum 0
OverfillThreshold 4175 Overfill Threshold (Fct. C2.6) R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class