Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
aunTV 40B9 AO unit R Enum 64
avlTV 40B8 TV output value TV output value R/W Float 66
acdTV 40BA AO Alrm typ R Enum 64
uepTV 40BB AO hi end pt Analog Output Upper Endpoint Value- Defines the upper endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
lepTV 40BC AO lo end pt Analog Output Lower Endpoint Value- Defines the lower endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
ulvTV 40BD Upper Limit Value The maximum value of the analog signal. R Float 64
llvTV 40BE Lower Limit Value The minimum value of the analog signal. R Float 64
adpTV 40BF Added damp Analog Output Added Damping Value- Damping time constant applied the Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds. R Float 64
acfTV 40C0 Channel flags Analog Channel Flags- Defines the characteristics of the Analog Channel R BitEnum 64
pcrQV 40C3 QV % range Percent of range of the HART Secondary Variable (SV); tracks the associated measured value with respect to the Lower Range Value and Upper Range Value. R Float 34
tfcQV 40C4 Xfer fnctn R Enum 32
urvQV 40C5 URV Valor de rango superior: Define el punto final de funcionamiento del cual se derivan el valor analógico y el punto 100% del rango de porcentaje. Además, el valor de rango superior define un punto final de funcionamiento del que se derivan las alarmas asociadas con el valor analógico y las alarmas asociadas con la representación del valor digital. R/W Float 32
lrvQV 40C6 LRV Valor de rango inferior: Define el punto final de funcionamiento del que se derivan el valor analógico, y el punto 0% del rango de porcentaje. Además, el valor de rango inferior define un punto final de funcionamiento del que se derivan las alarmas asociadas al valor analógico y las alarmas asociadas a la representación del valor digital. R/W Float 32
aunQV 40CC AO unit R Enum 64
avlQV 40CB QV output value QV output value R/W Float 66
acdQV 40CD AO Alrm typ R Enum 64
uepQV 40CE AO hi end pt Analog Output Upper Endpoint Value- Defines the upper endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
lepQV 40CF AO lo end pt Analog Output Lower Endpoint Value- Defines the lower endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
ulvQV 40D0 Upper Limit Value The maximum value of the analog signal. R Float 64
llvQV 40D1 Lower Limit Value The minimum value of the analog signal. R Float 64
adpQV 40D2 Added damp Analog Output Added Damping Value- Damping time constant applied the Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds. R Float 64
acfQV 40D3 Channel flags Analog Channel Flags- Defines the characteristics of the Analog Channel R BitEnum 64
eOptionOnlineMode 40DB Online Mode? Can the Host Application currently communicate with the field device? R/W Enum 4096
eOptionValidityDebug 40DC Show parameters Select: Show always all parameters or only those actually valid. For debugging purposes only. R/W Enum 4096
st16VersionDd 40DE DD-Version Version number of the device description according to NAMUR recommendation. You are currently working with version: 01.11 R/W ASCII 4096
OptionConversion 4122 Select Conversion Create a new table for either volume, mass or a linearoized value (Fct. C3.1.3) R/W Index 0
DistancePartial 4124 Partial Distance Enter distance for partial empty spectrum W Float 0
TypeEmptySpectrum 4125 Empty Spectrum Type Select the type of empty spectrum to be recorded W Enum 0
HeightTank 4126 Tank Height Enter the tank height. (Fct. C1.2) R/W Float 0
AntennaExtension 4127 Antenna Extension (Fct. C1.8) R/W Float 0
AntennaType 4128 Antenna Type Select the antenna type installed on the device. (Fct. C1.7) R/W Enum 0
Backlight 412A Backlight (Fct. C6.2) R/W Enum 0
BlockingDistance 412B Blocking Distance The blocking distance (high) is the minimum measurement value (Fct. C1.5) R/W Float 0
DateCalibration 412C Calibration Date Calibration date. Format according to ISO 8601. (Fct. C7.1.9) R HartDate 0
DateProduction 412D Production Date Production date. Format according to ISO 8601. (Fct. C7.1.8) R HartDate 0
DeviceName 412E Device Name Name of the device (Fct. C7.1.3) R ASCII 0
DiameterStillwell 412F Stilling Well Diameter Enter the stilling well diameter (Fct. C1.4) R/W Float 0
DistancePiece 4130 Distance Piece (Fct. C1.9) R/W Float 0
EpsilonRGas 4131 Epsilon R Gas The gas phase permitity is used for compensating level values. (Fct. C2.3) R/W Float 0
EpsilonRProduct 4132 Epsilon R Product The product permitivity is used in TBF mode. (Fct. C2.2) R/W Float 0
ErrorDelayOutputCurrentA 4133 Error Delay Delay between error detection and set of error output (Fct. C4.1.6) R/W Enum 0
ErrorDelayOutputCurrentB 4134 Error Delay (Fct. C4.2.6) R/W Enum 0
FactorExtSensorCalibration 4135 Corr. Factor Ext (Fct. D3.3.8) R Float 0
FactorManSensorCalibration 4136 Man. Corr. Factor (Fct. D3.3.2) R/W Float 0
FactorMidSensorCalibration 4138 Corr. Factor Mid (Fct. D3.3.6) R Float 0
FactorSensorCalibration 4139 Corr. Factor (Fct. D3.3.4) R Float 0
FormatMeasurementDisplayLine1Page1 413A Format 1st Value Select the format for the first measurement line (Fct. C6.4.5) R/W Enum 0
FormatMeasurementDisplayLine1Page2 413B Format 1st Value Select the format for the first measurement line (Fct. C6.5.5) R/W Enum 0
FormatMeasurementDisplayLine2Page1 413C Format 2nd Value Select the format for the second measurement line (Fct. C6.4.7) R/W Enum 0
FormatMeasurementDisplayLine2Page2 413D Format 2nd Value Select the format for the second measurement line (Fct. C6.5.7) R/W Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class