Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
device_status 0097 Field Device Status- Data indicating that the Field Device has detected condition(s) in the Field Device relating to: its hardware / the validity of a variable / its operating status / an internal process R/W BitEnum 131
manufacturer_id 0099 Manufacturer Manufacturer Identification Code- References a specific manufacturer, which is usually a company name, that is responsible for the manufacture of this Field Device. R Enum 128
device_type 009A Pos. type no. Type number of the positioner R Enum 128
request_preambles 009B Num req preams Number of Request Preambles- Number of Preambles required from the Host request by the Field Device R Unsigned 128
universal_revision 009C Universal rev Universal Revision- Revision of the Universal Device Description, that the Field Device conforms to R Unsigned 128
transmitter_revision 009D Fld dev rev Field Device Revision- Revision of the Field Device Specific Device Description, that the Field Device conforms to R Unsigned 128
software_revision 009E Software rev Field Device Software Revision- This revision corresponds to the software or firmware, that is embedded in the Field Device R Unsigned 2048
hardware_revision 009F Hardware rev Hardware Revision- Revision that corresponds to the electronics hardware of the Field Device. R Unsigned 2048
physical_signaling_code 00AB Physicl signl code Physical Signaling Code- The Physical Signaling Code describes the type of Physical Layer that has been implemented in the hardware that is responsible for the HART Communication port R Enum 2048
device_flags 00A0 Dev flags Field Device Flags- Describes special features of the Field Device that affect the Data Link Layer R BitEnum 128
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class