Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
sensor1_digital_units 4000 PV Unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 36
sensor1_digital_value 4001 Sensor (PV) Sensor R Float 34
sensor1_upper_sensor_limit 4002 Sensor Uppper Limit Upper Sensor Limit Value- Defines the maximum usable value for the Upper Range Value. R Float 8
sensor1_lower_sensor_limit 4003 Sensor Lower Limit Lower Sensor Limit Value- Defines the minimum usable value for the Lower Range Value. R Float 8
sensor1_minimum_span 4004 Sensor Min Span Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value. R Float 12
sensor1_probe_type 400F Sensor probe type R/W Enum 8
sensor1_wire_number 4010 Sensor wire number R/W Enum 8
sensor1_probe_connection 4011 Sensor probe connection R/W Integer 8
sensor1_CJC_type 4012 Sensor CJC type R/W Enum 8
sensor1_CJC_temperature_unit 4013 Sensor CJC temperature unit R Enum 8
sensor1_CJC_temperature 4014 Sensor CJC temperature R/W Float 8
sensor1_resistance_two_wire 4015 Sensor resistance two wire R/W Float 8
sensor1_bias 4016 Sensor bias R/W Float 8
sensor1_input_engineering_unit 4017 Sensor input engineering unit R/W Enum 8
sensor1_output_engineering_unit 4018 Sensor output engineering unit R/W Enum 8
NAMUR_state 4024 Device state R Enum 10
DiagReserved_0 4025 Diag_Reserved0 R Integer 10
DiagReserved_1 4026 Diag_Reserved1 R Integer 10
DiagReserved_2 4027 Diag_Reserved2 R Integer 10
DiagReserved_3 4028 Diag_Reserved3 R Integer 10
DiagReserved_4 4029 Diag_Reserved4 R Integer 10
DiagReserved_5 402A Diag_Reserved5 R Integer 10
DiagCommunication_A 402B CommunicationA R Integer 10
DiagCommunication_B 402C CommunicationB R Integer 10
DiagApplication_A 402D Application R BitEnum 10
DiagApplication_B 402E Application R BitEnum 10
DiagSensor1_A 402F Sensor R BitEnum 10
DiagSensor1_B 4030 Sensor R BitEnum 10
DiagElectronics_A 4031 Electronics R BitEnum 10
DiagElectronics_B 4032 Electronics R BitEnum 10
electrical1_digital_units 4039 Snsr1 Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 36
electrical1_digital_value 403A Electrical Input (TV) Electrical Input R Float 34
electrical1_upper_sensor_limit 403B Sensor Upper Limit Upper Sensor Limit Value- Defines the maximum usable value for the Upper Range Value. R Float 8
electrical1_lower_sensor_limit 403C Sensor Lower Limit Lower Sensor Limit Value- Defines the minimum usable value for the Lower Range Value. R Float 8
electrical1_minimum_span 403D Sensor Min Span Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value. R Float 12
electronics_temperature_digital_units 4040 Unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 36
electronics_temperature_digital_value 4041 Electronics Temperature (SV) Terminal temperature (or ambient temperature). R Float 34
electronics_temperature_upper_sensor_limit 4042 Termnl USL Upper Sensor Limit Value- Defines the maximum usable value for the Upper Range Value. R Float 8
electronics_temperature_lower_sensor_limit 4043 Termnl LSL Lower Sensor Limit Value- Defines the minimum usable value for the Lower Range Value. R Float 8
electronics_temperature_minimum_span 4044 Termnl min span Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value. R Float 8
software_version_major 404E SW version major R Unsigned 2048
software_version_minor 404F SW version minor R Unsigned 2048
software_version_revision 4050 SW version revision R Unsigned 2048
hardware_version_major 4051 HW version major R Unsigned 2048
hardware_version_minor 4052 HW version minor R Unsigned 2048
sensor_serial_number 4008 Sensor serial number Sensor Serial Number- Uniquely identifies the sensor from which the Digital Value representation or Field Device variable is primarily derived. R/W Unsigned 2052
damping_value 4007 Damping Damping Value- Damping time constant applied to both the Digital Value representation and Analog Value of the respective Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds. R/W Float 36
range_units 4006 Range unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 36
AO_OVERRANGE_VALUE 4058 Overrange value R/W Float 8
AO_UNDERRANGE_VALUE 4057 Underrange value R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class