名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
redundant_lower_sensor_limit 4077 Lower Limit 传感器下限值——定义上限值的最小可用数值。 浮点 0
redundant_minimum_span 4078 Min Span 最小范围值——定义上限值和下限值之间允许的最小差。 浮点 0
Redqty 40E3 ????? 过程数据质量——表示设备变量值的整体过程数据质量。 枚举 2
primary_variable_code_LOCAL 40E4 主变量为 动态变量阵列第一索引——表示已经映射至第一动态变量的现场设备变量的索引位置。 读/写 枚举 4096
secondary_variable_code_LOCAL 40E5 第2变量为 动态变量阵列第二索引——表示已经映射至第二动态变量的现场设备变量的索引位置。 读/写 枚举 4096
tertiary_variable_code_LOCAL 40E6 第3变量为 动态变量阵列第三索引——表示已经映射至第三动态变量的现场设备变量的索引位置。 读/写 枚举 4096
quaternary_variable_code_LOCAL 40E7 第4变量为 动态变量阵列第4索引——表示现场设备动态变量已被映射至第4变量动态变量的索引位置。 读/写 枚举 4096
LO_LMT 40E8 Low saturation 读/写 浮点 4096
GOOD_LMT 40E9 Good 读/写 浮点 4096
HI_HI_LMT 40EA High alarm 读/写 浮点 4096
sensor1_probe_type_local 40EB Sensor type Select Sensor type for: a) Resistors (potentiometer) b) Resistance thermometers (RTD) c) Callendar-Van Dusen (RTD) d) Fix Point Curves for RTD (customer specific)) e) Voltage measurement f) Thermocouples g) Fix Point Curves for thermocouples (customer specific) Please check the measurement range and HART Variable mapping for device variables after Sensor Change 读/写 枚举 4096
sensor2_probe_type_local 40EC Sensor type Select Sensor type for: a) Resistors (potentiometer) b) Resistance thermometers (RTD) c) Callendar-Van Dusen (RTD) d) Fix Point Curves for RTD (customer specific)) e) Voltage measurement f) Thermocouples g) Fix Point Curves for thermocouples (customer specific) Please check the measurement range and HART Variable mapping for device variables after Sensor Change 读/写 枚举 4096
Default_val_cel_Ohm 40ED Default: 读/写 枚举 4096
Default_val_cel 40EE Default: 读/写 枚举 4096
InputUnit_Fixpoint_grid 40EF 枚举 4096
OutputUnit_Fixpoint_grid 40F0 枚举 4096
Trend_selection_Byte 40F1 Trend Selection Byte 读/写 位枚举 4096
CfgMonHeadLineNbr 40F2 No. Index Number for Configuration Change (max 50 changes) ASCII 4096
CfgMonHeadLineTimeStamp 40F3 Time Stamp Operation Time ASCII 4096
CfgMonHeadLineConfigChangeCounter 40F4 Config. Change Count Configuration Change Counter- This indicates the number of times the devices configuration or calibration has been changed by a host application or from a local operator interface ASCII 4096
CfgMonHeadLineChangedItem 40F5 Change Changes in Device ASCII 4096
EventMonHeadLineNbr 40F6 No. Index number for Events (max 48 events) ASCII 4096
EventMonHeadLineTimeStamp 40F7 Time Stamp Operation Time ASCII 4096
EventMonHeadLineChangedItem 40F8 Event Event in Device ASCII 4096
EmcFilterSettings 4122 EMC Filter strength Recommended value (default): LOW 读/写 枚举 0
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类