名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
electrical1_digital_value 4052 Electric Input Sensor 1 Electrical Input of Channel 1 浮点 2
damping_value_El1 40D6 Damping Damping time constant applied to both the Digital Value representation and Analog Value of a respective Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds 读/写 浮点 0
electrical1_upper_sensor_limit 4053 UpperLimit 传感器上限值——定义上限值的最大可用数值。 浮点 0
electrical1_lower_sensor_limit 4054 Lower Limit 传感器下限值——定义上限值的最小可用数值。 浮点 0
electrical1_minimum_span 4055 Min Span 最小范围值——定义上限值和下限值之间允许的最小差。 浮点 0
electri11qty 40D7 ???? 1 ?? 过程数据质量——表示设备变量值的整体过程数据质量。 枚举 2
electrical2_digital_units 4057 Unit Unit for Electric input Sensor 2 a) Ohm for resistor thermometer and resistor measurements b) mV for thermocuoples and voltage measurement 读/写 枚举 0
electrical2_digital_value 4058 Electric Input Sensor 2 Electrical Input of Channel 2 浮点 2
damping_value_El2 40D8 Damping Damping time constant applied to both the Digital Value representation and Analog Value of a respective Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds 读/写 浮点 0
electrical2_upper_sensor_limit 4059 UpperLimit 传感器上限值——定义上限值的最大可用数值。 浮点 0
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类