名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
primary_measurement_upper_range_value 4019 URV Upper range value - Defines the operational endpoint from which the variables ANALOG_VALUE, PERCENT_RANGE are derived. 读/写 浮点 32
primary_measurement_lower_range_value 401A LRV Lower range value - Defines the operational endpoint from which the variables ANALOG_VALUE, PERCENT_RANGE are derived. 读/写 浮点 32
primary_measurement_damping_value 4027 阻尼 Damping value - Damping time applied to both the variables DIGITAL_VALUE and ANALOG_VALUE of output 'X'. The units of this variable are always expressed in seconds. 读/写 浮点 32
sensor_serial_number 4040 传感器序列号 传感器序列号——识别数值表示或现场设备变量来源的传感器。 读/写 无符号 2048
primary_measurement_upper_sensor_limit 401B USL Upper sensor limit value - Value that defines the absolute upper endpoint (largest magnitude) for the UPPER RANGE VALUE. 浮点 8
primary_measurement_lower_sensor_limit 401C LSL Lower sensor limit value - Value that defines the absolute lower endpoint (smallest magnitude) for the LOWER RANGE VALUE. 浮点 8
primary_measurement_minimum_span 401D 最小范围 Minimum span value - Value that defines the smallest absolute value for the resulting figure derived from the following equation (UPPER RANGE VALUE - LOWER RANGE VALUE). 浮点 8
ma_analog_output_value 4041 模拟量输出 模拟量输出——在没有用户干扰的情况下,根据时间变化的可测量物理输出。 读/写 浮点 66
ma_analog_output_alarm_select 4042 Alarm type 模拟量输出报警类型——定义当现场设备检测到模拟量输出可能未跟踪关联现场设备变量时模拟量输出响应的方式。注意——数值表示可能不确定。 枚举 64
electronics_temperature_digital_units 4025 CJC温度单位 Temp. unit of the reference junction temperature - The temperature on the terminal block of the field unit is always stated in °C during measurements with internal or external reference junction. 枚举 34
electronics_temperature_digital_value 4008 CJC温度 Reference junction temperature value - Temperature associated with the internal/external reference junction. At an internal reference junction the temperature of the connection terminals of the transmitter will be measured during measurements. 读/写 浮点 34
sensor1_digital_units 401F 单位 Unit - physical unit in which the electrical value of the sensor is expressed. 枚举 34
sensor1_measurement_digital_value 4020 传感器1 Sensor value - electrical value of the sensor at the input. 浮点 34
sensor2_digital_units 4022 单位 Unit - physical unit in which the electrical value of the sensor is expressed. 枚举 34
sensor2_measurement_digital_value 4023 传感器2 Sensor value - electrical value of the sensor at the auxiliary input. 浮点 34
units_code 07E9 读/写 枚举 4096
transfer_function_code 07EA 读/写 枚举 4096
alarm_selection_code 07EB 读/写 枚举 4096
write_protect_code 07EE 读/写 枚举 2048
company_identification_code 07EF 读/写 枚举 128
flag_assignment 07F2 读/写 枚举 128
operating_mode_code 07F3 读/写 枚举 2048
response_code 0096 特定命令响应代码——现场设备响应返回的数据,表示主机请求命令发送成功。该信息可能与主机请求数据或命令本身有关。 读/写 枚举 129
comm_status 0098 通讯错误汇总——现场设备在尝试接收主机请求时检测到下列错误条件。因此命令未被接受,并且主机请求在现场设备上未引起变化。 读/写 位枚举 131
device_status 0097 现场设备状态——表示现场设备已检测到有关硬件/变量有效性/操作状态/内部过程的条件的数据。 读/写 位枚举 131
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类