名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
messart 4000 测量类型 Type of measurement - Setting of vital input parameters on transmitter. 读/写 枚举 2048
sensor_typ 4003 传感器类型 Sensor type - Type of currently connected sensor. Depending on the type of selected characteristic line, the measured value is influenced. 读/写 枚举 8
wire_no 4001 Sensor connection Sensor connection - States the number of wires, via which the sensor is connected to the transmitter. 读/写 枚举 8
n_sensor 4002 Number of sensors Number of sensors - States the number of sensors which areconnected in series at every input. A multiple number of the built-in characteristic lines can be realised (e.g. 10*Pt100 = Pt1000). 读/写 枚举 8
sensor_monitor 4004 Sensor monitoring Sensor monitoring - With this setting the monitoring of the sensors can be limited or released. An internal reference junction is always monitored. 读/写 枚举 8
refer_junction 4006 ext. ref. junction External reference junction - The value states the temperature of the external reference junction. The input is always made in °C! 读/写 浮点 8
out_select 4009 输出 Analog output - The device is only available as signal output 4..20mA. An under- or overrange exceeding this range is however possible. 读/写 枚举 2048
out_under 400A Underrange value Underrange value - The control range is limited by the underrange value. In case of failure signal, the value is also accepted by means of underranging. 读/写 浮点 8
out_over 400B Overrange value Overrange value - The control range is limited by the overrange value. In case of failure signal, the value is also accepted by means of overranging. 读/写 浮点 8
alter_selector 4005 Failure signalling Failure signalling - The setting indicates the strategy for signalling a failure. 读/写 枚举 8
alter_value 400C Default value Default value - in case of failure, the analog output is set on the programmed value if the matching error strategy was selected. 读/写 浮点 8
sensor_name 400F Sensor name Sensor name - The function permits the input of a sensor name when using user defined characteristics. 读/写 压缩文本 8
order_no 4010 Catalog number Catalog number - The function permits the changing of the catalog number after entering changes on transmitter. 读/写 压缩文本 2048
kanal 4013 Signal input Signal input - The setting determines the signal input which must be balanced. 无符号 8
sollwert 4014 设定点 Set point - The value states the (e.g. simulated via a reference) input signal. 浮点 8
_input_range 402F Input assignment Input assignment - measuring range of the transmitter at the input. 枚举 4096
_type_of_refer_junc 4030 Reference junction Reference junction - The setting determines the type of reference junction during measurements with thermocouples. Always select 'WITHOUT' for measurements witout thermocouples. 枚举 4096
_sensor_monitor 4031 Sensor monitoring Sensor monitoring - With this setting the monitoring of the sensors can be limited or released. An internal reference junction is always monitored. 枚举 4096
_failure_control 4035 Failure monitoring Failure monitoring - The setting determines if the analog output should react to certain failure states in the transmitter. 读/写 枚举 4096
_failure_signal 4036 Signalling Signalling - The setting determines if a failure shall be signalled via the analog output. 读/写 枚举 4096
_version 4039 Version 1.00 枚举 4096
digital_units 4017 单位 现场设备变量单位——使用数值表示、最小范围、范围上限、范围下限、传感器上限和传感器下限显示的工程单位。 读/写 枚举 32
primary_measurement_digital_value 4018 Measured value Measured value - Measured value that changes magnitude with respect to time with no user intervention. 浮点 34
primary_measurement_percent_range 403E Measured value Percent of range - Digital value that is proportional to the variable DIGITAL_VALUE with respect to the range defined by the LOWER_RANGE_VALUE and UPPER_RANGE_VALUE. The units of this variable are always in percent. 浮点 34
analog_output_transfer_function 403F 转换功能 传送功能——定义由现场设备变量应用至模拟量输出和百分比范围的传送功能。传送功能不影响数值表示。 枚举 32
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