Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
primary_measurement_lower_sensor_limit 401C LSL Lower sensor limit value - Value that defines the absolute lower endpoint (smallest magnitude) for the LOWER RANGE VALUE. R Float 8
primary_measurement_minimum_span 401D Intervalo mínimo Minimum span value - Value that defines the smallest absolute value for the resulting figure derived from the following equation (UPPER RANGE VALUE - LOWER RANGE VALUE). R Float 8
ma_analog_output_value 4041 AO Saída analógica- saída física mensurável que altera em relação ao tempo, sem a intervenção do usuário R/W Float 66
ma_analog_output_alarm_select 4042 Alarm type Tipo de alarme de saída analógica- Define como a saída analógica responderá quando o dispositivo de campo detectar a saída analógica poderá não seguir a variáveldo dispositivo de campo. NOTA- A representação do valor digital poderá não ser determinada. R Enum 64
electronics_temperature_digital_units 4025 Unidade de tempo CJC Temp. unit of the reference junction temperature - The temperature on the terminal block of the field unit is always stated in °C during measurements with internal or external reference junction. R Enum 34
electronics_temperature_digital_value 4008 Temperatura CJC Reference junction temperature value - Temperature associated with the internal/external reference junction. At an internal reference junction the temperature of the connection terminals of the transmitter will be measured during measurements. R/W Float 34
sensor1_digital_units 401F Unidades Unit - physical unit in which the electrical value of the sensor is expressed. R Enum 34
sensor1_measurement_digital_value 4020 Sensor 1 Sensor value - electrical value of the sensor at the input. R Float 34
sensor2_digital_units 4022 Unidades Unit - physical unit in which the electrical value of the sensor is expressed. R Enum 34
sensor2_measurement_digital_value 4023 Sensor 2 Sensor value - electrical value of the sensor at the auxiliary input. R Float 34
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class