Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
_version 4039 Version 1.00 R Enum 4096
digital_units 4017 Unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 32
primary_measurement_digital_value 4018 Measured value Measured value - Measured value that changes magnitude with respect to time with no user intervention. R Float 34
primary_measurement_percent_range 403E Measured value Percent of range - Digital value that is proportional to the variable DIGITAL_VALUE with respect to the range defined by the LOWER_RANGE_VALUE and UPPER_RANGE_VALUE. The units of this variable are always in percent. R Float 34
analog_output_transfer_function 403F Xfer fnctn Funzione trasferimento - Definisce la funzione di trasformazione che sarà applicata dalla variabile del dispositivo di campo all’uscita analogica e al campo percentuale. La funzione di trasferimento non influisce sulla rappresentazione del valore digitale. R Enum 32
primary_measurement_upper_range_value 4019 URV Upper range value - Defines the operational endpoint from which the variables ANALOG_VALUE, PERCENT_RANGE are derived. R/W Float 32
primary_measurement_lower_range_value 401A LRV Lower range value - Defines the operational endpoint from which the variables ANALOG_VALUE, PERCENT_RANGE are derived. R/W Float 32
primary_measurement_damping_value 4027 Damp Damping value - Damping time applied to both the variables DIGITAL_VALUE and ANALOG_VALUE of output 'X'. The units of this variable are always expressed in seconds. R/W Float 32
sensor_serial_number 4040 Snsr s/n Numero di serie sensore - Identifica in modo univoco il sensore da cui deriva principalmente la rappresentazione del valore digitale o la variabile dispositivo di campo. R/W Unsigned 2048
primary_measurement_upper_sensor_limit 401B USL Upper sensor limit value - Value that defines the absolute upper endpoint (largest magnitude) for the UPPER RANGE VALUE. R Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class