Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
messart 4000 Meas typ Type of measurement - Setting of vital input parameters on transmitter. R/W Enum 2048
sensor_typ 4003 Snsr typ Sensor type - Type of currently connected sensor. Depending on the type of selected characteristic line, the measured value is influenced. R/W Enum 8
wire_no 4001 Sensor connection Sensor connection - States the number of wires, via which the sensor is connected to the transmitter. R/W Enum 8
n_sensor 4002 Number of sensors Number of sensors - States the number of sensors which areconnected in series at every input. A multiple number of the built-in characteristic lines can be realised (e.g. 10*Pt100 = Pt1000). R/W Enum 8
sensor_monitor 4004 Sensor monitoring Sensor monitoring - With this setting the monitoring of the sensors can be limited or released. An internal reference junction is always monitored. R/W Enum 8
refer_junction 4006 ext. ref. junction External reference junction - The value states the temperature of the external reference junction. The input is always made in °C! R/W Float 8
out_select 4009 Output Analog output - The device is only available as signal output 4..20mA. An under- or overrange exceeding this range is however possible. R/W Enum 2048
out_under 400A Underrange value Underrange value - The control range is limited by the underrange value. In case of failure signal, the value is also accepted by means of underranging. R/W Float 8
out_over 400B Overrange value Overrange value - The control range is limited by the overrange value. In case of failure signal, the value is also accepted by means of overranging. R/W Float 8
alter_selector 4005 Failure signalling Failure signalling - The setting indicates the strategy for signalling a failure. R/W Enum 8
alter_value 400C Default value Default value - in case of failure, the analog output is set on the programmed value if the matching error strategy was selected. R/W Float 8
sensor_name 400F Sensor name Sensor name - The function permits the input of a sensor name when using user defined characteristics. R/W PackedAscii 8
order_no 4010 Catalog number Catalog number - The function permits the changing of the catalog number after entering changes on transmitter. R/W PackedAscii 2048
kanal 4013 Signal input Signal input - The setting determines the signal input which must be balanced. W Unsigned 8
sollwert 4014 Set pt Set point - The value states the (e.g. simulated via a reference) input signal. W Float 8
_input_range 402F Input assignment Input assignment - measuring range of the transmitter at the input. W Enum 4096
_type_of_refer_junc 4030 Reference junction Reference junction - The setting determines the type of reference junction during measurements with thermocouples. Always select 'WITHOUT' for measurements witout thermocouples. W Enum 4096
_sensor_monitor 4031 Sensor monitoring Sensor monitoring - With this setting the monitoring of the sensors can be limited or released. An internal reference junction is always monitored. W Enum 4096
_failure_control 4035 Failure monitoring Failure monitoring - The setting determines if the analog output should react to certain failure states in the transmitter. R/W Enum 4096
_failure_signal 4036 Signalling Signalling - The setting determines if a failure shall be signalled via the analog output. R/W Enum 4096
_version 4039 Version 1.00 R Enum 4096
digital_units 4017 Unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 32
primary_measurement_digital_value 4018 Measured value Measured value - Measured value that changes magnitude with respect to time with no user intervention. R Float 34
primary_measurement_percent_range 403E Measured value Percent of range - Digital value that is proportional to the variable DIGITAL_VALUE with respect to the range defined by the LOWER_RANGE_VALUE and UPPER_RANGE_VALUE. The units of this variable are always in percent. R Float 34
analog_output_transfer_function 403F Xfer fnctn Funzione trasferimento - Definisce la funzione di trasformazione che sarà applicata dalla variabile del dispositivo di campo all’uscita analogica e al campo percentuale. La funzione di trasferimento non influisce sulla rappresentazione del valore digitale. R Enum 32
primary_measurement_upper_range_value 4019 URV Upper range value - Defines the operational endpoint from which the variables ANALOG_VALUE, PERCENT_RANGE are derived. R/W Float 32
primary_measurement_lower_range_value 401A LRV Lower range value - Defines the operational endpoint from which the variables ANALOG_VALUE, PERCENT_RANGE are derived. R/W Float 32
primary_measurement_damping_value 4027 Damp Damping value - Damping time applied to both the variables DIGITAL_VALUE and ANALOG_VALUE of output 'X'. The units of this variable are always expressed in seconds. R/W Float 32
sensor_serial_number 4040 Snsr s/n Numero di serie sensore - Identifica in modo univoco il sensore da cui deriva principalmente la rappresentazione del valore digitale o la variabile dispositivo di campo. R/W Unsigned 2048
primary_measurement_upper_sensor_limit 401B USL Upper sensor limit value - Value that defines the absolute upper endpoint (largest magnitude) for the UPPER RANGE VALUE. R Float 8
primary_measurement_lower_sensor_limit 401C LSL Lower sensor limit value - Value that defines the absolute lower endpoint (smallest magnitude) for the LOWER RANGE VALUE. R Float 8
primary_measurement_minimum_span 401D Min span Minimum span value - Value that defines the smallest absolute value for the resulting figure derived from the following equation (UPPER RANGE VALUE - LOWER RANGE VALUE). R Float 8
ma_analog_output_value 4041 AO Analog Output- Measurable physical output which changes with respect to time, without user intervention R/W Float 66
ma_analog_output_alarm_select 4042 Alarm type Analog Output Alarm Type- Defines how the Analog Output will respond when the Field Device detects that the Analog Output may not be tracking the associated Field Device Variable. NOTE- The Digital Value representation may not be determinate. R Enum 64
electronics_temperature_digital_units 4025 CJC temp unit Temp. unit of the reference junction temperature - The temperature on the terminal block of the field unit is always stated in °C during measurements with internal or external reference junction. R Enum 34
electronics_temperature_digital_value 4008 CJC temp Reference junction temperature value - Temperature associated with the internal/external reference junction. At an internal reference junction the temperature of the connection terminals of the transmitter will be measured during measurements. R/W Float 34
sensor1_digital_units 401F Unit Unit - physical unit in which the electrical value of the sensor is expressed. R Enum 34
sensor1_measurement_digital_value 4020 Snsr1 Sensor value - electrical value of the sensor at the input. R Float 34
sensor2_digital_units 4022 Unit Unit - physical unit in which the electrical value of the sensor is expressed. R Enum 34
sensor2_measurement_digital_value 4023 Snsr2 Sensor value - electrical value of the sensor at the auxiliary input. R Float 34
units_code 07E9 R/W Enum 4096
transfer_function_code 07EA R/W Enum 4096
alarm_selection_code 07EB R/W Enum 4096
write_protect_code 07EE R/W Enum 2048
company_identification_code 07EF R/W Enum 128
flag_assignment 07F2 R/W Enum 128
operating_mode_code 07F3 R/W Enum 2048
response_code 0096 Command Specific Response Code- Data that is returned in the Field Device response, that indicates the relative success of the Command sent in the Host request. This information may relate to the Data of the Host request or to the command itself. R/W Enum 129
comm_status 0098 Communications Error Summary- The Field Device has detected the following error condition while attempting to receive the Host request. Therefore the Command was not accepted, and the Host request caused no change to occur in the Field Device. R/W BitEnum 131
device_status 0097 Field Device Status- Data indicating that the Field Device has detected condition(s) in the Field Device relating to: its hardware / the validity of a variable / its operating status / an internal process R/W BitEnum 131
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class