Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
var_TB82_temp_pure_h2o 4024 Auto TC pure H2O options This is valid when temp-comp type is Automatic and Auto TC option is Pure H2O. This parameter provides Pure H2O option selection for temp-comp. R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_tc_coef 4025 Temp comp coeff Temperature Compensation Coefficient: This is valid when tem-comp type is Automatic and Auto TC option is TC-coeff. The Temp Coeff is applied as percent of change of conductivity from a reference temp per deg C. Valid range is 0 to 9.99% per deg C. R/W Float 8
var_TB82_var_ref_temp 4026 Variable ref temp Variable Reference Temperature provides the ability to use use any temp as the reference temp used to determine the temp-compensated conductivity value (i.e., Primary value). R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t1 404A Temp 1 Temp 1 of user defined temperature coefficient. First end point of the curve. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t2 404B Temp 2 Temp 2 of user defined temperature coefficient. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t3 404C Temp 3 Temp 3 of user defined temperature coefficient. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t4 404D Temp 4 Temp 4 of user defined temperature coefficient. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t5 404E Temp 5 Temp 5 of user defined temperature coefficient. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t6 404F Temp 6 Temp 6 of user defined temperature coefficient. Last end point of the curve. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_k1 4050 K1/Kref Ratio of uncompensated conductivity at Temp 1 to conductivity at reference temperature (K1/Kref). First endpoint of the curve. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class