Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
var_TB82_temp_sensor_type 4021 Temp snsr type Temperature sensor type R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_temp_comp_type 4022 Temp comp type Determines the type of Temperature Compensation algorithm applied to the Primary Value R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_manual_temp_setpoint_unit 4042 Manual temp unit R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_manual_temp_setpoint 4027 Manual Temp. Manual Temperature value is used in the temp comp algorithm when the temp comp type is MANUAL. R/W Float 8
var_TB82_temp_auto_sol 4023 Auto TC option The Automatic Temperature Compensation option applies an algorithm that adjusts for the temperature effect on conductivity, which is dependent on the selected solute. The available options are: Std KCl, TC Coeff, Pure H2O, User Defined. R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_temp_pure_h2o 4024 Auto TC pure H2O options This is valid when temp-comp type is Automatic and Auto TC option is Pure H2O. This parameter provides Pure H2O option selection for temp-comp. R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_tc_coef 4025 Temp comp coeff Temperature Compensation Coefficient: This is valid when tem-comp type is Automatic and Auto TC option is TC-coeff. The Temp Coeff is applied as percent of change of conductivity from a reference temp per deg C. Valid range is 0 to 9.99% per deg C. R/W Float 8
var_TB82_var_ref_temp 4026 Variable ref temp Variable Reference Temperature provides the ability to use use any temp as the reference temp used to determine the temp-compensated conductivity value (i.e., Primary value). R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t1 404A Temp 1 Temp 1 of user defined temperature coefficient. First end point of the curve. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t2 404B Temp 2 Temp 2 of user defined temperature coefficient. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t3 404C Temp 3 Temp 3 of user defined temperature coefficient. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t4 404D Temp 4 Temp 4 of user defined temperature coefficient. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t5 404E Temp 5 Temp 5 of user defined temperature coefficient. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_t6 404F Temp 6 Temp 6 of user defined temperature coefficient. Last end point of the curve. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_k1 4050 K1/Kref Ratio of uncompensated conductivity at Temp 1 to conductivity at reference temperature (K1/Kref). First endpoint of the curve. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_k2 4051 K2/Kref Ratio of uncompensated conductivity at Temp 2 to conductivity at reference temperature (K2/Kref). Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_k3 4052 K3/Kref Ratio of uncompensated conductivity at Temp 3 to conductivity at reference temperature (K3/Kref). Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_k4 4053 K4/Kref Ratio of uncompensated conductivity at Temp 4 to conductivity at reference temperature (K4/Kref). Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_k5 4054 K5/Kref Ratio of uncompensated conductivity at Temp 5 to conductivity at reference temperature (K5/Kref). Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_tc_k6 4055 K6/Kref Ratio of uncompensated conductivity at Temp 6 to conductivity at reference temperature (K6/Kref). Last endpoint of the curve. Valid only when Auto-TC option is user-defined R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_x1 4014 x1 Cond x1 Conductivity point of the user defined concentration curve. R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_x2 4016 x2 Cond x2 Conductivity point of the user defined concentration curve. R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_x3 4018 x3 Cond x3 Conductivity point of the user defined concentration curve. R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_x4 401A x4 Cond x4 Conductivity point of the user defined concentration curve. R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_x5 401C x5 Cond x5 Conductivity point of the user defined concentration curve. R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class