Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_x5 401D x5 Cond x5 Conductivity point of the user defined concentration curve. R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_x6 401F x6 Cond x6 Conductivity point of the user defined concentration curve. R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_y1 4016 y1 Concen y1 Concentration point corresponding to x1 Conductivity in the user defined concentration curve R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_y2 4018 y2 Concen y2 Concentration point corresponding to x1 Conductivity in the user defined concentration curve R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_y3 401A y3 Concen y3 Concentration point corresponding to x1 Conductivity in the user defined concentration curve R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_y4 401C y4 Concen y4 Concentration point corresponding to x1 Conductivity in the user defined concentration curve R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_y5 401E y5 Concen y5 Concentration point corresponding to x1 Conductivity in the user defined concentration curve R/W Float 8
var_TB82_user_defined_conc_y6 4020 y6 Concen y6 Concentration point corresponding to x1 Conductivity in the user defined concentration curve R/W Float 8
var_TB82_lcd_secondary 402D LCD secondry disp The parameter sets the HMI's local LCD secondary display area to one of several options. R/W Enum 256
var_TB82_security_lock 402E Security Lock When ENABLED, the Security Password will be active for Security mode on local HMI. If Security Lock is disabled, then the Security mode of operation can be accessed from the local HMI without supplying the password. R/W Enum 2048
var_TB82_configuration_lock 402F Configuration Lock When ENABLED, the Security Password will be active for Config mode on local HMI. Config parameters will be write protected on the HART interface. When the Configuration-Lock is DISABLED, the Config mode of operation can be accessed from the local HMI without supplying the password R/W Enum 2048
var_TB82_calibration_lock 4030 Calibration Lock When ENABLED, the Security Password will be active for Calibrate mode on local HMI. Calib parameters will be write protected on the HART interface. When the Calibration Lock is DISABLED, the Calibrate mode of operation can be accessed from the local HMI without supplying the password R/W Enum 2048
var_TB82_output_lock 4031 Output Lock When ENABLED, the Security Password will be active for Output mode on local HMI. Output related parameters will be write protected on the HART interface. When the Output Lock is DISABLED, the Output mode of operation can be accessed from the local HMI without supplying the password R/W Enum 2048
var_TB82_password_digit_1 4081 Secur. Passwrd 1 Three password digits form the Security Password. Each digit can have a value from 0 to 9. The 3-digit Password range is 000 to 999. When Secur, Config, Output or Calib Locks are ENABLED, this Security Password will be required at the local HMI to access the corresponding modes of operation. R/W Unsigned 2048
var_TB82_password_digit_2 4082 Secur. Passwrd 2 Three password digits form the Security Password. Each digit can have a value from 0 to 9. The 3-digit Password range is 000 to 999. When Secur, Config, Output or Calib Locks are ENABLED, this Security Password will be required at the local HMI to access the corresponding modes of operation. R/W Unsigned 2048
var_TB82_password_digit_3 4083 Secur. Passwrd 3 Three password digits form the Security Password. Each digit can have a value from 0 to 9. The 3-digit Password range is 000 to 999. When Secur, Config, Output or Calib Locks are ENABLED, this Security Password will be required at the local HMI to access the corresponding modes of operation. R/W Unsigned 2048
var_TB82_pv_slope_units 4062 PV slope units R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_pv_slope 4029 PV Slope PV sensor efficiency (slope) value in percent R/W Float 8
var_TB82_pv_offset_units 4045 PV snsr offset unit PV sensor offset unit R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_pv_offset 402A PV offset PV sensor offset value. R/W Float 8
var_TB82_temp_slope_units 4065 Temp slope units R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_temp_slope 402B Temp snsr Slope Temperature sensor Slope R/W Float 8
var_TB82_temp_offset_units 4047 Temp snsr offset unit Temperature sensor offset unit R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_temp_offset 402C Temp snsr offset Temp snsr offset R/W Float 8
var_TB82_cal_status 4088 Cal Status R Enum 8
var_TB82_temp_cal_unit 4089 Temp cal unit R/W Enum 8
var_TB82_temp_cal_value 408A Temp cal value R/W Float 8
var_TB82_one_point_PV_value 4092 PV value for PV cal R/W Float 8
var_TB82_pv_cal_unit 4093 R/W Enum 8
unique_device_type_code 07ED R/W Enum 4096
rosemount_model_code 07F5 R/W Enum 4096
rosemount_analytical_model_code 07F6 R/W Enum 4096
kayray_model_code 07F7 R/W Enum 4096
micro_motion_model_code 07F8 R/W Enum 4096
units_code 07E9 R/W Enum 4096
transfer_function_code 07EA R/W Enum 4096
material_code 07EC R/W Enum 4096
alarm_selection_code 07EB R/W Enum 4096
write_protect_code 07EE R/W Enum 4096
company_identification_code 07EF R/W Enum 4096
burst_mode_control_code 07F0 R/W Enum 4096
physical_signaling_codes 07F1 R/W Enum 4096
flag_assignment 07F2 R/W Enum 4096
operating_mode_code 07F3 R/W Enum 4096
analog_output_numbers_code 07F4 R/W Enum 4096
response_code 0096 コマンド固有応答コード - フィールド機器応答で戻されるデータで, ホスト要求で送信されたコマンドの成功具合を示します。この情報はホスト要求データまたはコマンド自体によって変わる場合があります。 R/W Enum 129
comm_status 0098 通信エラー内容 - ホストの要求に対しフィールド機器が次のような状態のときエラーになります。コマンドを受取れないとき, ホストの要求に対しフィールド機器が変更できない場合。 R/W BitEnum 131
device_status 0097 フィールド機器ステータス - フィールド機器のハードウェア/バリアブルの状態/オペレーティング ステータス/内部処理に対して検出されたコンディションを表示します。 R/W BitEnum 131
manufacturer_id 0099 メーカー メーカー識別コード - 通常, 会社名を使用し, フィールド機器の製造上の責任者を明確にします。 R Enum 128
device_type 009A モデル モデル - フィールド機器のタイプを表し, メーカーごとに独自に決められたナンバーで, 通常, 機器の照会に使用されます。 R Enum 128
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class