Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
cbHardwareRevisionChars 4155 Hardware Revision Electronics hardware revision. R ASCII 0
feSoftwareRevisionChars 4156 Software Revision Sensor software revision. R ASCII 0
feHardwareRevisionChars 4157 Hardware Revision Sensor hardware revision. R ASCII 0
fpgaVersionHMI 4158 FPGA Revision Field Programmable Gate Array revision. R ASCII 0
transducerId 4159 Transducer ID Transducer ID R Unsigned 0
Level_ObjSim_value_0 415B Level Height of product in the vessel. R/W Float 0
LinLevel_FlowObjSim_value_0 415C Flow Linearized flow value R/W Float 0
LinLevel_VolumeObjSim_value_0 415D Volume Linearized volume value R/W Float 0
Ullage_ObjSim_value_0 415E Ullage Ullage Value R/W Float 0
Interface_ObjSim_value_0 415F Interface Interface is the height at which a surface forms a common boundary between two immiscible liquids. R/W Float 0
LinInterface_VolumeObjSim_value_0 4160 Volume Linearized volume value R/W Float 0
T_ObjSim_value_0 4161 Temperature Sensor Temperature- Temperature of the sensor that is making the process measurement R/W Float 0
Level_Obj_unit_dummy 4043 Level Unit Engineering Units for the distance measurements. R/W Enum 0
LinLevel_FlowObj_unit_dummy 4162 Flow Unit R/W Enum 0
LinLevel_VolumeObj_unit_dummy 4163 Volume Unit R/W Enum 0
index_array_sim 416F index sim R/W Index 4096
Level_Alarm_Enable 4127 Alarm Level Alarm Enable/Disable R/W Enum 0
Ullage_Alarm_Enable 4128 Alarm Ullage Alarm Enable/Disable R/W Enum 0
Interface_Alarm_Enable 4129 Alarm Interface Alarm Enable/Disable R/W Enum 0
T_Alarm_Enable 412A Alarm Temperature Alarm Enable/Disable R/W Enum 0
index_array_alarm_enable 4172 Index Alarm Enable R/W Index 4096
reverseSignalPolarity 411D Signal Polarity The signal can be either standard or reversed. R/W Enum 0
level_threshold 411C Threshold The Threshold voltage provides a method of signal detection along the waveform. The signal from the process reflection must cross this barrier to be detected as a signal. The LMT is designed to detect the first pulse crossing the Threshold. The Threshold may need to be increased to avoid baseline interference or decreased to detect the correct pulse. R/W Float 0
alarmSelectionSource 4178 Alarm Source Alarm selection source may be either Software, Hardware Low or Hardware High. R Enum 0
spanLimitLowValue 4120 Low Saturation Saturation limit low of the analog output current. R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class