Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Ullage_Alarm_Obj_value_2 4078 High The Ullage value above which the Ullage Alarm High status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Ullage_Alarm_Obj_value_3 4079 High High The Ullage value above which the Ullage Alarm High High status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Interface_Alarm_Obj_value_0 407C Low Low The Interface value below which the Interface Alarm Low Low status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Interface_Alarm_Obj_value_1 407D Low The Interface value below which the Interface Alarm Low status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Interface_Alarm_Obj_value_2 407E High The Interface value above which the Interface Alarm High status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Interface_Alarm_Obj_value_3 407F High High The Interface value above which the Interface Alarm High High status bit is set. R/W Float 0
index_array_alarm_points 4331 index array alarm points R/W Index 4096
probeLength_Obj_value_0 4067 Probe Length The distance between the potential maximum reference point of the device and the Sensor Reference Point. R Float 0
BlockingDistanceNAN_low 4333 Blocking Distance Low Blocking Distance Low R Float 0
BlockingDistanceNAN_high 4334 Blocking Distance High Blocking Distance High R Float 0
CalibrationIndex 4336 Calibration Index Calibration Index W Enum 0
CalibrationFunctionCode 4337 Calibration Function Code Calibration Function Code W Enum 0
Sensor_Pt_Acal_Level 4086 Upper Sensor Point The upper sensor point in the calibration. This corresponds to upper level point (2 level points are used in the LMT calibration table). R/W Float 0
Sensor_Pt_Bcal_Level 4087 Lower Sensor Point The lower sensor point in the calibration. This corresponds to lower level point (2 level points are used in the LMT calibration table). R/W Float 0
Level_Pt_Acal 4071 Upper Level Point The upper level point in the calibration. This corresponds to upper sensor point (2 level points are used in the LMT calibration table). R/W Float 0
Level_Pt_Bcal 4072 Lower Level Point The lower level point in the calibration. This corresponds to lower sensor point (2 level points are used in the LMT calibration table). R/W Float 0
Sensor_Pt_Acal_Interface 4088 Upper Sensor Point The upper sensor point in the calibration. This corresponds to upper interface point (2 interface points are used in the LMT calibration table). R/W Float 0
Sensor_Pt_Bcal_Interface 4089 Lower Sensor Point The lower sensor point in the calibration. This corresponds to lower interface point (2 interface points are used in the LMT calibration table). R/W Float 0
Interface_Pt_Acal 4082 Upper Interface Point The upper interface point in the calibration. This corresponds to upper sensor point (2 interface points are used in the LMT calibration table). R/W Float 0
Interface_Pt_Bcal 4083 Lower Interface Point The lower interface point in the calibration. This corresponds to lower sensor point (2 interface points are used in the LMT calibration table). R/W Float 0
Sensor_Pt_A 4328 Upper Sensor Point The upper sensor point in the calibration. This corresponds to upper level point (2 level points are used in the LMT calibration table). R Float 0
Sensor_Pt_B 4329 Lower Sensor Point The lower sensor point in the calibration. This corresponds to lower level point (2 level points are used in the LMT calibration table). R Float 0
Level_Pt_A 432C Upper Level Point The upper level point in the calibration. This corresponds to upper sensor point (2 level points are used in the LMT calibration table). R Float 0
Level_Pt_B 432D Lower Level Point The lower level point in the calibration. This corresponds to lower sensor point (2 level points are used in the LMT calibration table). R Float 0
LevelAlarmLimitSelectionCodelowlow 433B Alarm limit selection Alarm limit selection code W Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class