Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Classification_Addl_Sensor 4303 Classification Additional Sensor Classification Additional Sensor R Enum 0
index_read_level_family_device_variable_values 4313 Index Read Level Family Device Variable Values R/W Index 4096
Addl_Sensor_Obj_unit 430E Additional Sensor Unit Additional Sensor Unit R Enum 0
Addl_Sensor_Obj_value_0 40CB Additional Sensor Value Additional Sensor Value R Float 0
SensorUnitType 4315 Sensor Unit Type Sensor Units Type R/W Enum 0
Measured_Level_value_0 4316 Measured Level Value The level of the product in the vessel before Level Offset R Float 0
Measured_Interface_value_1 4317 Measured Interface Value The interface of the product in the vessel before Interface Offset R Float 0
sensorValuelevel 4318 Sensor Value Sensor Value R Float 0
rawSensorValuelevel 4319 Raw Sensor Value Raw Sensor Value R Float 0
sensorValueinterface 431A Sensor Value Sensor Value R Float 0
rawSensorValueinterface 431B Raw Sensor Value Raw Sensor Value R Float 0
index_read_level_family_internal_varible_values 4324 Index Read Level Family Internal Variable Values R/W Index 4096
Dummy_sensorOffset 4084 Sensor Offset (Level) May be used to compensate for an un-measurable area below a probe OR to align the measurement of the LMT with another device. R/W Float 0
Interface_sensorOffset 4085 Sensor Offset (Interface) May be used to compensate for an un-measurable area below a probe OR to align the measurement of the LMT with another device. R/W Float 0
sensorCompensation 4326 Sensor Compensation Sensor Compensation R Float 0
Level_Offset_Obj_value_0 4068 Level Offset The value added to the Measured Level to give the Media Level, this value may be positive, negative or zero. R/W Float 0
Interface_Offset_Obj_value_0 4069 Interface Offset The value added to the Measured Interface to give the Media Interface, this value may be positive, negative or zero. R/W Float 0
UllageReferencePoint_Obj_value_0 4075 Ullage Ref. Point The Level at which the Ullage Level is zero. R/W Float 0
UllageReferencePoint_Obj_value_0_dummy 432A Ullage Ref. Point The Level at which the Ullage Level is zero. R/W Float 0
Level_Alarm_Obj_value_0 406A Low Low The Level value below which the Level Alarm Low Low status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Level_Alarm_Obj_value_1 406B Low The Level value below which the Level Alarm Low status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Level_Alarm_Obj_value_2 406C High The Level value above which the Level Alarm High status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Level_Alarm_Obj_value_3 406D High High The Level value above which the Level Alarm High High status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Ullage_Alarm_Obj_value_0 4076 Low Low The Ullage value below which the Ullage Alarm Low Low status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Ullage_Alarm_Obj_value_1 4077 Low The Ullage value below which the Ullage Alarm Low status bit is set. R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class