Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
sensor_number 412B Sensor ID ID of the device sensor R/W ASCII 0
resetOutputTrimming 42B3 W Unsigned 0
index_array_alarm_non_media_level_points 42B7 index array alarm Non Mdeia Level points R/W Index 4096
index_array_alarmlimitnonmedialevellowlow 42C1 index array alarm limit low low R/W Index 4096
index_array_alarmlimitnonmedialevellow 42C4 index array alarm limit low R/W Index 4096
index_array_alarmlimitnonmedialevelhigh 42C7 index array alarm limit high R/W Index 4096
index_array_alarmlimitnonmedialevelhighhigh 42CA index array alarm limit high high R/W Index 4096
SensorStatusByte0 42DC Sensor Status Byte 0 Sensor Status Byte 0 R BitEnum 3
SensorStatusByte1 42DD Sensor Status Byte 1 Sensor Status Byte 1 R BitEnum 3
LevelStatusByte0 42DE Level Status Byte 0 Level Status Byte 0 R BitEnum 3
LevelStatusByte1 42DF Level Status Byte 1 Level Status Byte 1 R BitEnum 3
InterfaceStatusByte0 42E0 Interface Status Byte 0 Interface Status Byte 0 R BitEnum 3
InterfaceStatusByte1 42E1 Interface Status Byte 1 Interface Status Byte 1 R BitEnum 3
index_array_status 42EA Index Array Status R/W Index 4096
FamilyRevision 42EC Family revision Family Revision R Unsigned 0
Addl_Sensor_Available 42ED Additional Sensor Availability Additional Sensor Device Variable Availability R Enum 0
Ullage_Available 42EE Ullage Available Ullage Device Variable Available R Enum 0
Sensor_Type 42EF Snsr Tech. Code Type of Sensor in the field device. R Enum 0
Calibration_Points_MaxNo 42F0 Num of Calibration Points Maximum number of Calibration Points R Unsigned 0
Sensor_Compensation_Available 42F1 Sensor Compensation Availbility Sensor Compensation Availbility R Enum 0
Blocking_Distances_Available 42F2 Blocking Distances Availbility Blocking Distances Availbility R Enum 0
index_level_family_capability 42FD Index Level Family Capability R/W Index 4096
Dev_VarCode_MediaLevel 42FF Device Variable Code Media Level Device Variable Code of the Media Level R Enum 0
Dev_VarCode_Ullage 4300 Device Variable Code Ullage Level Device Variable Code of the Ullage Level R Enum 0
Dev_VarCode_Addl_Sensor 4301 Device Variable Code Additional Sensor Device Variable Code of the Additional Sensor R Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class