Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
displayMode_4 40F9 Display Mode Sets the number of lines and the number of characters per line on this page. Also, determines if bargraph is displayed or not. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_1_1 40EB 1st Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 1. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_1_2 40EC 2nd Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 2 if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_1_3 40ED 3rd Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 3 if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_1_bargraph 40EE Bargraph Sets the device variable that is displayed in the bargraph if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_2_1 40F0 1st Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 1. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_2_2 40F1 2nd Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 2 if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_2_3 40F2 3rd Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 3 if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_2_bargraph 40F3 Bargraph Sets the device variable that is displayed in the bargraph if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_3_1 40F5 1st Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 1. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_3_2 40F6 2nd Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 2 if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_3_3 40F7 3rd Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 3 if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_3_bargraph 40F8 Bargraph Sets the device variable that is displayed in the bargraph if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_4_1 40FA 1st Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 1. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_4_2 40FB 2nd Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 2 if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_4_3 40FC 3rd Line Sets the device variable that is displayed in Line 3 if present. R/W Enum 0
mainOperatorView_4_bargraph 40FD Bargraph Sets the device variable that is displayed in the bargraph if present. R/W Enum 0
index_array_operater_pages 4247 Index Operator Pages R/W Index 4096
localOperationEnable 4126 Local Operation Enables local operation with push buttons. R/W Enum 0
language 411E Language The LMT has been equipped with several different operating languages to assist in the setup of the unit. When a specific language is selected, the titles of the menu items will be translated. Abbreviations specific to the LMT will remain unchanged as icons regardless of language selection. R/W Enum 0
contrast 4124 Contrast Adjusts the contrast of the device HMI. R/W Unsigned 0
autoscrollEnable 4125 Autoscroll Enables autoscrolling of the Operator pages on the HMI. R/W Enum 0
DateFormat 424A Date Format Date Format R/W Enum 0
lowLevelSoftwareRevision 424B Display Revision Display revision. R ASCII 0
diagnosisConditionNumber 424E Diagnosis Condition Nummber Diagnosis Condition Number R/W Unsigned 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class