Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
T_Offset_Obj_Value_0 40C4 Offset Offsets the temperature value read from the RTD at the bottom of the probe. R/W Float 0
HartClearDiagnosticsHistory 414C W Unsigned 0
totalWorkingTimeHour 414E Total Run Time Total run time in days since last device reset. R Unsigned 2
cpuLoad 414F CPU Load Percent of CPU load. R Float 2
alarm_delay 411A Alarm Delay The output will go to alarm state only if there is a loss of signal that lasts at least the duration of the alarm delay. R/W Float 0
pulseWidth 411B Pulse Width Amount of energy used for the level measurement. R/W Unsigned 0
levelDeviceType 4014 Device Configuration Options include 1 or 2 Levels and with or without Temperature. R/W Enum 0
blanking 406E Blanking Distance Blanking is a measured area which the LMT will be set to ignore including the nozzle distance. It may be necessary to extend the Blanking further past the nozzle to ignore reflections from the top portion of the probe. Blanking is set in terms of units. To adjust the Blanking, enter the distance from the Reference Measurement to be ignored. Do not blank into your measuring range. Signal will be lost. R/W Float 0
readOnlySwitchStatus 4114 Status Hardware switch that allows remote access. R Enum 0
cbSoftwareRevisionChars 4154 Software Revision Electronics software revision. R ASCII 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class