Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
sensor_trim_units | 401F | Sensor trim units | Sensor trim units - It is the unit of the sensor trim points. | R | Enum | 2048 |
max_work_pres | 4021 | Wert max. Arbeitsdruck | Maximum Working Pressure - Indicates the maximum pressure to which the transmitter can be submitted without causing danger and damage. | R/W | Float | 2048 |
max_work_pres_units | 4022 | Einheit max. Druck | Maximum Working Pressure Unit - The unit of the Maximum working pressure. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
pressure_analog_value | 4023 | Analog Output | Analog Output value - Indicates the current output of the field instrument. | R/W | Float | 66 |
apressure_percent_range | 4024 | PW % Bereich | Percent of Range - Digital value that is proportional to the range defined by the Lower Range Value and the Upper Range Value. The units of this variable is always in percent. | R | Float | 34 |
pressure_upper_sensor_limit | 4025 | Ob.Meßb.grenze | Upper Sensor Limit - Value that defines the absolute upper endpoint (largest magnitude) for the digital value. Pressure - Pressure of the process measured with respect to some reference pressure. | R | Float | 8 |
pressure_lower_sensor_limit | 4026 | Unt.Meßb.grenze | Lower Sensor Limit - Value that defines the absolute lower endpoint (smallest magnitude) for the digital value. Pressure - Pressure of the process measured with respect to some reference pressure. | R | Float | 8 |
apressure_upper_range_value | 4027 | Meßende | Upper Range - Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value and the Percent of Range are derived. In addition, the range values define the points at which the 'analog output saturated' warning is set. | R/W | Float | 0 |
apressure_lower_range_value | 4028 | Meßanfang | Lower Range - Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value and the Percent of Range are derived. In addition, the range values define the points at which the 'analog output saturated' warning is set. | R/W | Float | 0 |
apressure_damping_value | 4029 | Dämpfung | Damping Value - Damping time constant applied to both the Digital Value and Analog Value of the respective output. The Unit of this variable are always in seconds. | R/W | Float | 0 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |