Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
var_magnitudes 401A Magnitudes The number of magnitudes that defines the transmitter output. Valid for primary value type = Ion Concentration R/W Enum 8
var_endMag 401B End Magnitude End point magnitude that can be set to 10, 100 or 1000. Valid for primary value type = Ion Concentration R/W Enum 8
var_endMv 401C End mV End millivolt value associated with the end magnitude value. Valid for primary value type = Ion Concentration R/W Integer 8
var_tempSensorType 4024 Temp sensor type Temperature sensor type R Enum 8
var_tempARStatus 4026 TC Recognition Status Temp sensor recognition status. Device scans for TC at power up, when TC type is switched from MANUAL to AUTOMATIC, and when TC recognition is run through the appropriate menu. R Enum 8
tempCompType 4020 Temp compensation Determines the type of Temperature Compensation algorithm applied to the Primary Value R/W Enum 8
var_manualTemp 4021 Manual Temp Setpoint. Manual Temperature Compensation Value - is used in Nernstian temp. comp. when the Temp Comp selection is Manual R/W Float 8
var_pHSolnCoeff 4022 pH solution coeff The solution coefficient is in terms of pH units per 10 deg-C for the pH analyzer state and has a range of +/- 10 pH units per 10 deg-C. The solution coeff is used only when Auto-Solution temp comp is selected. R/W Float 8
var_mVSolnCoeff 4023 mV solution coeff The solution coefficient is in terms of millivolts per 10 deg-C for the ORP, pION and ion-conc states and has a range of +/-20 mV per 10 deg-C. The solution coeff is used only when Auto-Solution temp comp is selected. R/W Float 8
info_text1 4107 Enter all the transfer function points and then send the curve to the device Information indicating not to transmit individual curve points one at a time to the device R ASCII 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class