Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
swRevisionText 4012 Software revision Field device Firmware revision R ASCII 2048
deviceSerialNumberText 40CF Device Serial Number Unique device serial No. R ASCII 2048
var_analyzerType 4015 Analyzer type PV measurement will be Conductivity or Concentration based on selection from Analyzer Type When PV is Concentration, Conductivity value is available as QV (Comp. Conductivity) R/W Enum 8
var_cellConstant 4026 Cell Constant Sensor cell constant R/W Float 8
var_sensorDiag 4027 Sensor diag. Sensor Diagnostics selection determines whether certain sensor diagnostics are enabled or disabled R/W Enum 8
var_concName 4023 Conc. Curve Name This is a six character text name for the concentration curve. It could be modified in user-defined concentration configuration. R/W ASCII 8
var_concUnit 4022 Conc. Unit Concentration unit is % for pre-defined solute algorithms. unit can be selected between percent, ppm, µg/l, ppb, mg/l and none for user-defined solute algorithm. R/W Enum 8
var_hwWriteProtection 403B HW write protection Hardware write protection R Enum 2
var_swWriteProtection 403C SW write protection Software write protection R/W Enum 8
var_tempSensorType 4030 Temp. sensor type Temperature sensor type recognized R Enum 2
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class