Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
var_ConcUsrDefY6 40B6 Y6 Conc Concentration curve with x-axis = Conductivity in µS/cm and y-axis = Concentration in Conc. Unit. R/W Float 8
var_pvSlope 4067 PV Steilheit PV slope or efficiency 20-500% R/W Float 8
var_pvOffset 4068 PV Offset PV offset range +/- 0.8 uS/cm, +/- 4 uS/cm or +/-20 uS/cm based on Cell Constant R/W Float 8
var_tempSlope 4069 Temperatur Steigung Temperatursensor Steigung R/W Float 8
var_tempOffset 406A Temperatursensor Nullpunkt Temperatursensor Nullpunkt R/W Float 8
calibrationNewValue 4093 Cal new value R/W Float 8
calibrationStatus 4094 Cal Status R/W Enum 8
calibrationMode 4095 R/W Enum 8
var_cal_progress 40F8 Cal Progress R Float 8
var_cal_error 4098 Cal Error R Unsigned 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class