名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
deviceID 4010 Device ID 枚举 4096
range_Units 4034 PV Range Units 现场设备变量单位——使用数值表示、最小范围、范围上限、范围下限、传感器上限和传感器下限显示的工程单位。 读/写 枚举 8
upperRange_value 00EA PV Hi Rng Val 上限值——定义模拟值和范围100%点开始的操作端点。此外,上限值还定义与模拟量值关联的报警和与数值表示关联的报警开始的操作端点。 读/写 浮点 32
lowerRange_value 00EB PV Lo Rng Val 下限值——定义模拟值和范围0%点开始的操作端点。此外,下限值还定义与模拟量值关联的报警和与数值表示关联的报警开始的操作端点。 读/写 浮点 32
pv_Value 4080 Primary Value 浮点 10
pv_Units 4026 PV Units Device primary variable (PV) display units 读/写 枚举 8
sensorLimit_Units 409E Snsr lim Units 现场设备变量单位——使用数值表示、最小范围、范围上限、范围下限、传感器上限和传感器下限显示的工程单位。 读/写 枚举 8
pv_USL 409F PV USL 传感器上限值——定义上限值的最大可用数值。 浮点 8
pv_LSL 40A0 PV LSL 传感器下限值——定义上限值的最小可用数值。 浮点 8
pv_Min_Span 40A1 Minimum Span 最小范围值——定义上限值和下限值之间允许的最小差。 浮点 8
pv_Damp 4035 Damping 阻尼值——同时应用至各自模拟量输出的数值表示和模拟值的阻尼时间常数。该变量的单位始终为秒钟。 读/写 浮点 8
pv_SSN 4014 传感器序列号 传感器序列号——识别数值表示或现场设备变量来源的传感器。 读/写 无符号 2048
analog_value 4084 Current Out 模拟量输出值——在正常工作模式下跟踪数值表示的数值。 读/写 浮点 66
alarmSelection 4036 Alarm Current 模拟量输出报警类型——定义当现场设备检测到模拟量输出可能未跟踪关联现场设备变量时模拟量输出响应的方式。注意——数值表示可能不确定。 读/写 枚举 64
transfer_function 1F84 Linearity 传送功能——定义由现场设备变量应用至模拟量输出和百分比范围的传送功能。传送功能不影响数值表示。 枚举 32
percent_range 40A2 Primary % Range % 范围——跟踪有关下限值和上限值所定义范围的数值表示的变量,该变量的单位始终为百分数。 浮点 34
sv_Value 4081 Temperature (SV) Secondary variable temperature 浮点 10
sv_Units 4029 Temp.unit Temperature engineering units for all temperature values in the device. 读/写 枚举 8
tv_Value 4082 Uncomp. Conductivity (TV) Teritary value Uncompensate4d. Conductivity 浮点 10
tv_Units 40A3 Uncomp. Conductivity(TV) unit Teritiary variable Uncomp. Conductivity engineering units 枚举 8
qv_Value 4083 Comp. Conductivity (QV) Quaternary variable Comp. Conductivity 浮点 10
qv_Units 40A4 Comp. Conductivity (QV) unit Quaternary variable Comp. Conductivity engineering units 枚举 8
hwRevisionText 4011 Hardware revision Field device HW revision ASCII 2048
swRevisionText 4012 Software revision Field device Firmware revision ASCII 2048
deviceSerialNumberText 40D0 Device Serial Number Unique device serial No. ASCII 2048
var_analyzerType 4015 Analyzer type PV measurement will be Conductivity or Concentration based on selection from Analyzer Type When PV is Concentration, Conductivity value is available as QV (Comp. Conductivity) 读/写 枚举 8
var_sensorGroup 4027 Sensor Group Sensor Group A or B based on sensor cell constant 读/写 枚举 8
var_sensorDiag 4028 Sensor diag. Sensor Diagnostics selection determines whether certain sensor diagnostics are enabled or disabled 读/写 枚举 8
var_concSolution 4022 Conc. Solution Defines the solute algorithm used for Concentration configuration Both predefined and user-defined concentration configurations are available. The available solution types are dependent upon the current Sensor Group. Sensor Group A: 0-15% NaOH, 0-20% NaCl, 0-18% HCl, 0-20% H2SO4, User Defined. Sensor Group B: User Defined. 读/写 枚举 8
var_concName 4024 Conc. Curve Name This is a six character text name for the concentration curve. It could be modified in user-defined concentration configuration. 读/写 ASCII 8
var_concUnit 4023 Conc. Unit Concentration unit is % for pre-defined solute algorithms. unit can be selected between percent, ppm, µg/l, ppb, mg/l and none for user-defined solute algorithm. 读/写 枚举 8
var_hwWriteProtection 403B HW write protection Hardware write protection 枚举 2
var_swWriteProtection 403C SW write protection Software write protection 读/写 枚举 8
var_tempSensorType 4030 Temp. sensor type Temperature sensor type recognized 枚举 2
var_tempARStatus 4032 TC Recognition Status Temp sensor recognition status. Device scans for TC at power up, when TC type is switched from MANUAL to AUTOMATIC, and when TC recognition is run through the appropriate menu. 枚举 2
var_tempAutoTCOption 402C Auto TC Option Determines the algorithm that adjusts for the temperature effect of a solute. 读/写 枚举 8
var_tempAutoTCCoeff 402E TC Coeff Temp comp is based on percent change of conductivity from an adjustable reference temperature per deg C. The value is adjustable between 0 and 9.99 % per deg-C 读/写 浮点 8
var_tempCompType 402A Temp.Comp.Type Determines the type of Temperature Compensation algorithm applied to the Primary Value 读/写 枚举 8
var_manualTemp 402B Manual Temp Manual Temperature Compensation Value - is used in Nernstian temp. comp. when the Temp Comp selection is Manual 读/写 浮点 8
var_refTemp 402F Reference Temp Variable reference temperature - this provides the ability to use any temp as the reference temp used to determine the temp-compensated PV 读/写 浮点 8
var_TCUsrDefX1 40A9 Temp 1 When the user defined Auto temperature compensation is selected, the values in this curve are used for temperature compensation.The curve points Temp 1 to Temp 6 are the temperature values and the curve points K1/K25 to K6/K25 are the corresponding ratiosof uncompensated conductivity at Temp x to the conductivity at the reference temperature. 读/写 浮点 8
var_TCUsrDefX2 40AA Temp 2 When the user defined Auto temperature compensation is selected, the values in this curve are used for temperature compensation.The curve points Temp 1 to Temp 6 are the temperature values and the curve points K1/K25 to K6/K25 are the corresponding ratiosof uncompensated conductivity at Temp x to the conductivity at the reference temperature. 读/写 浮点 8
var_TCUsrDefX3 40AB Temp 3 When the user defined Auto temperature compensation is selected, the values in this curve are used for temperature compensation.The curve points Temp 1 to Temp 6 are the temperature values and the curve points K1/K25 to K6/K25 are the corresponding ratiosof uncompensated conductivity at Temp x to the conductivity at the reference temperature. 读/写 浮点 8
var_TCUsrDefX4 40AC Temp 4 When the user defined Auto temperature compensation is selected, the values in this curve are used for temperature compensation.The curve points Temp 1 to Temp 6 are the temperature values and the curve points K1/K25 to K6/K25 are the corresponding ratiosof uncompensated conductivity at Temp x to the conductivity at the reference temperature. 读/写 浮点 8
var_TCUsrDefX5 40AD Temp 5 When the user defined Auto temperature compensation is selected, the values in this curve are used for temperature compensation.The curve points Temp 1 to Temp 6 are the temperature values and the curve points K1/K25 to K6/K25 are the corresponding ratiosof uncompensated conductivity at Temp x to the conductivity at the reference temperature. 读/写 浮点 8
var_TCUsrDefX6 40AE Temp 6 When the user defined Auto temperature compensation is selected, the values in this curve are used for temperature compensation.The curve points Temp 1 to Temp 6 are the temperature values and the curve points K1/K25 to K6/K25 are the corresponding ratiosof uncompensated conductivity at Temp x to the conductivity at the reference temperature. 读/写 浮点 8
var_TCUsrDefY1 40C5 K1/Kref When the user defined Auto temperature compensation is selected, the values in this curve are used for temperature compensation.The curve points Temp 1 to Temp 6 are the temperature values and the curve points K1/K25 to K6/K25 are the corresponding ratiosof uncompensated conductivity at Temp x to the conductivity at the reference temperature. 读/写 浮点 8
var_TCUsrDefY2 40C6 K2/Kref When the user defined Auto temperature compensation is selected, the values in this curve are used for temperature compensation.The curve points Temp 1 to Temp 6 are the temperature values and the curve points K1/K25 to K6/K25 are the corresponding ratiosof uncompensated conductivity at Temp x to the conductivity at the reference temperature. 读/写 浮点 8
var_TCUsrDefY3 40C7 K3/Kref When the user defined Auto temperature compensation is selected, the values in this curve are used for temperature compensation.The curve points Temp 1 to Temp 6 are the temperature values and the curve points K1/K25 to K6/K25 are the corresponding ratiosof uncompensated conductivity at Temp x to the conductivity at the reference temperature. 读/写 浮点 8
var_TCUsrDefY4 40C8 K4/Kref When the user defined Auto temperature compensation is selected, the values in this curve are used for temperature compensation.The curve points Temp 1 to Temp 6 are the temperature values and the curve points K1/K25 to K6/K25 are the corresponding ratiosof uncompensated conductivity at Temp x to the conductivity at the reference temperature. 读/写 浮点 8
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