Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
apressure_value 4018 Pressão Field Device Primary Variable Value - Represents the input pressure. R Float 10
sensor_limit_units 4019 Sensor Limits Units Sensor Limit Units and Minimum Span Units - Engineering units that the Upper Sensor Limit, Lower Sensor Limit and Minimum Span will be displayed with. R Enum 8
amodule_type 401A Tipo de modulo Module Type - Defines the Module type of the field instrument. R Enum 2048
special_transfer_function 401B Special Transfer Function Special Transfer Function. R Enum 2048
lower_sensor_trim_point 401C Sensor baixo de ponto de ajuste Lower Sensor Trim Point - Applied process pressure at which the last lower sensor trim was performed. Pressure Sensor - Pressure hardware that measures pressure with respect to some reference pressure. R/W Float 2048
upper_sensor_trim_point 401E Sensor superior de ponto de ajuste Upper Sensor Trim Point - Applied process pressure at which the last upper sensor trim was performed. Pressure Sensor - Pressure hardware that measures pressure with respect to some reference pressure. R/W Float 2048
sensor_trim_units 401D Sensor trim units Sensor trim units - It is the unit of the sensor trim points. R Enum 2048
max_work_pres 401F Pressão de trabalho máximo Maximum Working Pressure - Indicates the maximum pressure to which the transmitter can be submitted without causing danger and damage. R/W Float 2048
max_work_pres_units 4020 Unidade de pressão de trabalho máximo Maximum Working Pressure Units - The units of the Maximum working pressure. R/W Enum 2048
max_sensor_temperature 4022 Max sens temp Maximum sensor Pressure - Indicates the maximum temperature to which the sensor or the electronic can be submitted without causing danger and damage. R Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class