Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
up_down_scale_mode 4001 Up-Down Scale mode Up-Down Scale mode - Defines the setting of the current output when fatal errors are detected. R/W Enum 2048
output_transfer_function 4002 Xfer fnctn Transfer Function - Defines the transformation function that will be applied between the Field Device Variable and the respective assigned Analog Output. The transfer function does not affect the Digital Value. R/W Enum 32
ameter_installation 4005 Meter type Meter Installation - Defines whether there is a meter installed or not and, if integral, what information the meter will display. R/W Enum 256
push_buttons 4006 Push Buttons Push Buttons - Indicates whether the instrument is fitted with Zero and/or Span calibration buttons. R/W Enum 2048
aflange_type 4007 Flange type Flange Type - Hardware, adjacent to the sensor, that physically connects the process to the sensor. R/W Enum 2048
aflange_material 4008 Flnge matl Flange Material - Indicates the material of the flange. R/W Enum 2048
ao_ring_material 4009 O ring matl Oring Material - Indicates the construction material of a seal that exists between the module and the flange. R/W Enum 2048
adrain_vent_material 400A Drain vent matl Drain Vent Material - Indicates the material of the vents. R/W Enum 2048
aremote_seal_isolator_material 400B RS isoltr matl Remote Seal Isolator Material - Defines the material of the remote seal wetted diaphragm. R Enum 2048
amodule_isolator_material 400C Isoltr matl Module Isolator Material - Indicates the material of the sensor diaphragm. R Enum 2048
aremote_seal_type 400D RS type Remote Seal Type - Defines the type of Remote seal. R Enum 2048
remote_seal_fill_fluid 400E RS fill fluid Remote Seal Fill Fluid - Defines the remote seal filling liquid. R Enum 2048
anumber_of_remote_seals 400F Num remote seal Number of Remote Seals - Physical quantity of the seals for the remote seal that is installed. R Enum 2048
amodule_fill_fluid 4010 Fill fluid Sensor Fill Fluid - Fluid material in the module. R Enum 2048
module_range_code 4011 Module rnge Module range - This is the range for the sensor. R Enum 2048
acalibration_type 4012 Calib typ Calibration Type - Indicates if std. or specific on operating pressure or temperature or both. R Enum 2048
procedure_type 4013 Procedure Type Procedure Type - It is the type of any special procedure required for the manufacture of the sensor, e.g. degreasing. R Enum 2048
local_keys_mode 4014 Local keys mode Local keys mode control - Disables the Zero and Span Push buttons. R/W Enum 2048
lcd_display_mode 4015 LCD display mode LCD display mode control - Selects the variables shown on the integral display. R/W Enum 2048
root_transfer_mode 4016 Root transfer mode Root transfer function mode - selects behaviour of square root output at input values from 0 - 4 %. R/W Enum 2048
apressure_value 4018 Pres Field Device Primary Variable Value - Represents the input pressure. R Float 10
sensor_limit_units 4019 Sensor Limits Units Sensor Limit Units and Minimum Span Units - Engineering units that the Upper Sensor Limit, Lower Sensor Limit and Minimum Span will be displayed with. R Enum 8
amodule_type 401A Module typ Module Type - Defines the Module type of the field instrument. R Enum 2048
special_transfer_function 401B Special Transfer Function Special Transfer Function. R Enum 2048
lower_sensor_trim_point 401C Lor snsr trim pt Lower Sensor Trim Point - Applied process pressure at which the last lower sensor trim was performed. Pressure Sensor - Pressure hardware that measures pressure with respect to some reference pressure. R/W Float 2048
upper_sensor_trim_point 401E Upr snsr trim pt Upper Sensor Trim Point - Applied process pressure at which the last upper sensor trim was performed. Pressure Sensor - Pressure hardware that measures pressure with respect to some reference pressure. R/W Float 2048
sensor_trim_units 401D Sensor trim units Sensor trim units - It is the unit of the sensor trim points. R Enum 2048
max_work_pres 401F Max working pres Maximum Working Pressure - Indicates the maximum pressure to which the transmitter can be submitted without causing danger and damage. R/W Float 2048
max_work_pres_units 4020 Max working pres unit Maximum Working Pressure Units - The units of the Maximum working pressure. R/W Enum 2048
max_sensor_temperature 4022 Max sens temp Maximum sensor Pressure - Indicates the maximum temperature to which the sensor or the electronic can be submitted without causing danger and damage. R Float 2048
max_sensor_temperature_units 4023 Max sens temp units Maximum sensor temperature units - The units of the Maximum sensor or electronic temperature units. R/W Enum 0
min_sensor_temperature 4091 Min sens temp Minimum sensor Temperature - Indicates the minimum temperature to which the sensor or the electronic can be submitted without causing danger and damage. R Float 2048
min_sensor_temperature_units 4092 Min sens temp units Minimum sensor temperature units - The units of the Minimum sensor or electronic temperature units. R/W Enum 0
a5coeff 4026 A5 A5 coefficient - A5 coefficient for polynomial function. R/W Float 0
a4coeff 4029 A4 A4 coefficient - A4 coefficient for polynomial function. R/W Float 0
a3coeff 402C A3 A3 coefficient - A3 coefficient for polynomial function. R/W Float 0
a2coeff 402F A2 A2 coefficient - A2 coefficient for polynomial function. R/W Float 0
a1coeff 4032 A1 A1 coefficient - A1 coefficient for polynomial function. R/W Float 0
a0coeff 4033 A0 A0 coefficient - A0 coefficient for polynomial function. R/W Float 0
pressure_analog_value 4036 Analog Output Analog Output value - Indicates the current output of the field instrument. R/W Float 66
apressure_percent_range 4037 PV % rnge Percent of Range - Digital value that is proportional to the range defined by the Lower Range Value and the Upper Range Value. The units of this variable is always in percent. R Float 34
pressure_upper_sensor_limit 4038 USL Upper Sensor Limit - Value that defines the absolute upper endpoint (largest magnitude) for the digital value. Pressure - Pressure of the process measured with respect to some reference pressure. R Float 8
pressure_lower_sensor_limit 4039 LSL Lower Sensor Limit - Value that defines the absolute lower endpoint (smallest magnitude) for the digital value. Pressure - Pressure of the process measured with respect to some reference pressure. R Float 8
apressure_upper_range_value 403A URV Upper Range - Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value and the Percent of Range are derived. In addition, the range values define the points at which the 'analog output saturated' warning is set. R/W Float 0
apressure_lower_range_value 403B LRV Lower Range - Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value and the Percent of Range are derived. In addition, the range values define the points at which the 'analog output saturated' warning is set. R/W Float 0
apressure_damping_value 403C Damp Damping Value - Damping time constant applied to both the Digital Value and Analog Value of the respective output. The Units of this variable are always in seconds. R/W Float 0
stat_pres_value 403D Static Pres Tertiary variable Static Pressure Value. R/W Float 2
stat_pres_units 403E Sta pres unit Tertiary variable Static Pressure Units. R/W Enum 0
static_pressure_trim_point 403F Stat Pres trim pt Static Pressure trim point - The pressure at which static trim is to take place. W Float 2
static_pressure_trim_units 4040 Stat Pres trim unit Static Pressure Trim Unit - Units of the static pressure trim point. W Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class