Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
betriebsdichte 4012 Operation density Value for density at operation conditions for massflow calculation. R/W Float 2048
impuls_faktor 4024 Pulse factor Value of pulse factor for totalizer calculation. R/W Float 32
daempfung 4028 Damping Time constant for current output damping. R/W Float 32
k_mittel 4030 mean k-factor Mean k-factor value of primary, Please refer to the calibration protocol. R/W Float 2048
k1 4032 k1 K-factor k1 is related to frequency f1. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Float 2048
k2 4034 k2 K-factor k2 is related to frequency f2. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Float 2048
k3 4036 k3 K-factor k3 is related to frequency f3. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Float 2048
k4 4038 k4 K-factor k4 is related to frequency f4. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Float 2048
k5 403A k5 K-factor k5 is related to frequency f5. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Float 2048
float_variable_code 4095 Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index that identifies a Field Device Variable that is dynamic with respect to time, with no user input R/W Index 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class