Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
actual_flow_value 406C Q Actual Flow Qv. Flow under actual conditions = actual temperature and pressure. R Float 34
standard_flow_value 4070 Standard Flow Qn Standard Flow Qn. Flow under standard conditions = standard temperature and pressure. R/W Float 34
mass_flow_value 4073 Mass Flow Qm Mass Flow Qm. Operating flow multiplied with operating density. R/W Float 34
volume_flow_value 406F Volume Flow Qv Operating Flow Qv. Flow under operating conditions = operating temperature and operating pressure. R/W Float 34
totalizer_value 4008 Totl. Totalizer. Integral of operating flow or mass flow - depends from flow mode. R/W Float 34
druck_wert 400D P Pressure value for PT calculation. R/W Float 34
temperatur_wert 400E T Temperature Value for PT-calculation. R/W Float 34
frequenz_wert 400F F Frequency value. R/W Float 34
sprache 402E Language List of selectable languages for display information. R/W Enum 2048
messaufnehmer 400B Primary Select primary type in between Vortex and Swirl. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class