Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
unsigned_char_variable_code 40BF Индекс в массиве динамических переменных - индекс, который определяет переменную полевого устройства, являющуюся динамической по отношению ко времени, без ввода со стороны пользователя R/W Index 4096
ueberlauf 403B Overflow Totalizer overflow counter. Please refer to the instruction manual! R Unsigned 2048
min_frequenz 4059 Min. frequency Minimum frequency value to interpreated as a flow signal. R/W Unsigned 2048
max_frequenz 405A Max. frequency Maximum frequency value to be interpreated as a flow signal. R/W Unsigned 2048
geraeteadresse 40C5 Instrument address Instrument address for communication. R/W Unsigned 2048
netzausfall 404E Mains interrupts Number of power supply interuptions since startup. R/W Unsigned 2048
kodenummer 404F F&P service no. Code number to get access to factory settings. R/W Unsigned 2048
geraetenummer 4015 Instrument no. Production number of this instrument. R/W Unsigned 2048
f1 405E f1 Frequency f1 for k-factor linearisation. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Unsigned 2048
f2 4060 f2 Frequency f2 for k-factor linearisation. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class