Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
fehler_9 4052 Error 9 Error 9 definition. Please refer to the instruction manual! R/W Enum 2048
k_linearisierung 405C k-linearisation Kind and number of points for k-factor linearisation R/W Enum 2048
einheit_Qv 4033 Unit Qv Seletable units for actual flow Qv. R/W Enum 2048
einheit_Qm 4034 Unit Qm Selectable units for massflow Qm. R/W Enum 2048
einheit_Zv 4035 Unit Zv Selectable units for actual flow totalizer Zv. R/W Enum 2048
einheit_Zm 4036 Unit Zm Selectable units for massflow totalizer Zm. R/W Enum 2048
einheit_dichte 4037 Unit density Selectable units for density value. R/W Enum 2048
einheit_k_faktor 4038 Unit k-factor Selectable units for k-factor values. R/W Enum 2048
einheit_temp 4039 Unit temp. Selectable units for temperature value. R/W Enum 2048
einheit_druck 403A Unit pressure Selectable units for pressure value. R/W Enum 2048
unsigned_char_variable_code 40BF Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index that identifies a Field Device Variable that is dynamic with respect to time, with no user input R/W Index 4096
ueberlauf 403B Overflow Totalizer overflow counter. Please refer to the instruction manual! R Unsigned 2048
min_frequenz 4059 Min. frequency Minimum frequency value to interpreated as a flow signal. R/W Unsigned 2048
max_frequenz 405A Max. frequency Maximum frequency value to be interpreated as a flow signal. R/W Unsigned 2048
geraeteadresse 40C5 Instrument address Instrument address for communication. R/W Unsigned 2048
netzausfall 404E Mains interrupts Number of power supply interuptions since startup. R/W Unsigned 2048
kodenummer 404F F&P service no. Code number to get access to factory settings. R/W Unsigned 2048
geraetenummer 4015 Instrument no. Production number of this instrument. R/W Unsigned 2048
f1 405E f1 Frequency f1 for k-factor linearisation. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Unsigned 2048
f2 4060 f2 Frequency f2 for k-factor linearisation. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Unsigned 2048
f3 4062 f3 Frequency f3 for k-factor linearisation. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Unsigned 2048
f4 4064 f4 Frequency f4 for k-factor linearisation. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Unsigned 2048
f5 4066 f5 Frequency f5 for k-factor linearisation. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Unsigned 2048
unsigned_int_variable_code 40D0 Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index that identifies a Field Device Variable that is dynamic with respect to time, with no user input R/W Index 4096
ausgleichskoeff 4021 Correction factor Correction factor for gases. Please refer to instruction manual. R/W Float 2048
VdW_a 4023 Van der Waals a Van der Vaals calculation factor a. Please refer to instruction manual. R/W Float 2048
VdW_b 4024 Van der Waals b Van der Vaals calculation factor b. Please refer to intruction manual. R/W Float 2048
vol_ausdehnung 401C Vol. extension Volume extension of liquids as a function of temperature. R/W Float 2048
normdichte 401D Standard density Density of medium at standard conditions for pressure and temperature. R/W Float 2048
QmaxDN 4019 QmaxDN Operation QmaxDN. Maximum actual flow of metersize. R Float 2048
Qmax 401A Qmax Maximum possible flow under operating conditions for pressure and temperature. R/W Float 2048
Qmin 401B Qmin Minimum flow at operating conditions for pressure and temperature. R/W Float 2048
impuls_faktor 403D Pulse factor Pulse factor definition. R/W Float 2048
impulsbreite 403E Pulsewidth Value for pulsewidth of pulse output. R/W Float 2048
daempfung 4041 Damping Damping of current output process value. R/W Float 2048
max_alarm 4042 Max-Alarm > Setpoint for max. alarm generation. R/W Float 2048
min_alarm 4043 Min-Alarm < Setpoint for min. alarm generation. R/W Float 2048
druck_0 4045 Pressure 0% Pressure value for 0% R/W Float 2048
druck_100 4046 Pressure 100% Pressure value for 100% R/W Float 2048
konst_temp 4049 const. Temp. Constant value for temperature. Used if temperatue measurement is not available or in off mode. R/W Float 2048
konst_druck 404A const. Pressure Constant value for pressure. Used if pressure measurement is not available or in off mode. R/W Float 2048
zeit_freq_halten 405B Frequ. hold time Time to hold last measured value if there are bad quality signals with drop outs. R/W Float 2048
abgl_Iout_4mA 4053 Adjust Iout 4 mA Adjust 4 mA current output value. R/W Float 2048
abgl_Iout_20mA 4054 Adjust Iout 20 mA Adjust 20 mA current output value. R/W Float 2048
abgl_Iin_4mA 4055 Adjust Iin 4 mA Adjust 4 mA current input value for pressure transmitter. R/W Float 2048
abgl_Iin_20mA 4056 Adjust Iin 20 mA Adjust 20 mA current input value for pressure transmitter. R/W Float 2048
k_mittel 405D Mean k-factor K-factor linearisation in off mode. Use the mean k-factor of calibration. R/W Float 2048
k1 405F k1 k-factor k1 for k-factor linearisation. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Float 2048
k2 4061 k2 k-factor k2 for k-factor linearisation. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Float 2048
k3 4063 k3 k-factor k3 for k-factor linearisation. Please refer to calibration protocol! R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class