Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
cut_lin 406A cut_linear % Cut Linear value on square root R/W Float 2048
QV_High_Range_Value 4096 Free Variable High Limit Free Variable High Limit R/W Float 2048
QV_Low_Range_Value 4097 Free Variable Low Limit Free Variable Low Limit R/W Float 2048
lcd_transfer_function 409D LCD transfer function LCD Transfer Function - Defines the transformation function that will be applied to the LCD indication R/W Enum 32
lcd_eng_variable_unit 409E LCD Variable Units LCD Variable in Engineering Units. R/W Enum 0
lcd_eng_variable_high_range 409F LCD Variable High Limit LCD Variable High Limit R/W Float 2048
lcd_eng_variable_low_range 40A0 LCD Variable Low Limit LCD Variable Low Limit R/W Float 2048
dpcoeff_b2 4080 dpcoeff_b2 B2 Coefficient - B2 coefficient for second polynomial R/W Float 0
dpcoeff_b1 4081 dpcoeff_b1 B1 Coefficient - B1 coefficient for second polynomial R/W Float 0
dpcoeff_b0 4082 dpcoeff_b0 B0 Coefficient - B0 coefficient for second polynomial R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class