Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
elect_temp_units_free_1 4040 Free Variable Units Fourth Variable - Free Variable in Engineering Units. R/W Enum 0
apressure_minimum_span 4041 Min span Minimum Span value - Indicates the minimum allowable value for the span. The span is the algebraic difference between the Upper and Lower Range Value. R Float 2048
apressure_sensor_serial_number 4042 PV Snsr s/n Sensor Serial Number - Indicates the sensor module serial number. R Unsigned 2048
spare_1 4043 R Unsigned 2048
spare_2 4044 R Unsigned 2048
bias_pv_unit 4087 PV Bias Unit Code Primary Variable Bias Unit Code R/W Enum 8
bias_pv_value 4088 bias_pv_value bias pv value R/W Float 2048
limit_double_pol 4086 limit_double_pol % Limit for double polynomial function R/W Float 2048
low_perc_rng_op 40A4 low_range_op Set lower range value on O/P selected W Float 2048
up_perc_rng_op 40A5 upper_range_op Set upper range value on O/P selected W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class