Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
device_family_status 0806 R/W Enum 4096
manufacturer_id 0099 Manufacturer Manufacturer Identification Code- References a specific manufacturer, which is usually a company name, that is responsible for the manufacture of this Field Device. R Enum 128
private_label_distributor 00A8 Distributor Private Label Distributor- References the company that is responsible for the distribution of this Field Device to customers R Enum 2048
device_type 009A Model Model- References the type of Field Device, usually an advertised model number, that is unique to a single manufacturer R Enum 128
write_protect 00A7 Write Protection For data set or device R Enum 2048
physical_signaling_code 00AB Physicl signl code Physical Signaling Code- The Physical Signaling Code describes the type of Physical Layer that has been implemented in the hardware that is responsible for the HART Communication port R Enum 2048
operatingMode 0870 Operate mode 1 Field Device Specific Operating Mode 1- A possible mode of operation in Field Device R Enum 2049
extended_fld_device_status 0807 Ext dev status Extended Field Device Status- This provides additional Device Status information R BitEnum 131
loop_current_mode 0808 Loop current mode Loop Current Mode- Indicates whether the loop current is active or fixed (i.e., the device is in multi-drop). R/W Enum 64
Valmet_Automation_model_code 0809 R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class