Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
staticPressureCommunicationScaleOut_freeUnitText 405C Sondereinheit special unit R/W ASCII 8
sensorTemperature_lolimit 405F Min. Betriebstemperatur Minimum limit of temperature within the sensor is compensated as from data sheet R Float 8
sensorTemperature_hilimit 4060 Max. Betriebstemperatur Maximum limit of temperature within the sensor is compensated as from data sheet R Float 8
sensorTemperature_trimValue 4061 Messwerkstemperatur Trim Value R/W Float 8
localOperationEnable 4064 Vorort-Bedienung Ermöglicht Vorort-Bedienung über Drucktasten R/W Enum 8
hmiFreeUnitText 4065 Sondereinheit Special unit R/W ASCII 8
hmiTransferFunction 4067 Kennlinientyp Curve only for the variable to be displayed R/W Enum 8
hmiScaleOut_unit 4066 Unit Unit of the variable to be displayed R/W Enum 8
hmiScaleOut_hilim 4068 Upper Range Value Upper Range of the variable to be displayed R/W Float 8
hmiScaleOut_lolim 4069 Lower Range Value Lower Range of the variable to be displayed R/W Float 8
hmiLanguage 406A Sprache Display language R/W Enum 8
hmiContrast 406C Kontrast Display luminosity R/W Unsigned 8
hmiDisplayMode 406D Anzeige-Modus Selection of the lines to be used for the display R/W Enum 8
hmiMainOperatorview_line1 406E Ansicht Zeile 1 Variable to be displayed on line 1 R/W Enum 8
hmiMainOperatorview_line2 406F Ansicht Zeile 2 Variable to be displayed on line 2 R/W Enum 8
hmiMainOperatorview_bargraph 4070 Balkendiagramm-Ansicht Variable to be represented on the bargraph R/W Enum 8
hmi_softwareRevision 406B Anzeige-Revision Software revision of the display when it is installed R Enum 2
resetPdpBias 4073 resetPdpBias W Float 8
resetStaticPressureBias 4075 resetStaticPressureBias W Float 8
long_tag 4077 Messstellenkennzeichen Long tag value R/W ASCII 8
flowLinearization_point 4078 Lin/Rad Übergang [%] Grenze für die Verstärkung in der Nähe von Null R/W Float 8
flowCutOffpoint 407B Nullrücker Schleichmengenunterdrückung R/W Float 8
pdpSensor_lotrim 407E Unterer Abgleichpunkt Aktueller Wert der Referenz R/W Float 8
pdpSensor_hitrim 4081 Oberer Abgleichpunkt Aktueller Wert der Referenz R/W Float 8
staticPressureSensor_lotrim 4083 Unterer Abgleichpunkt Aktueller Wert der Referenz R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class