Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
paralleshift_local_stat 4272 The current meas.value correspond to: R/W Float 4096
pdpsimulationenable 4280 Pressure Simulation R/W BitEnum 4096
pdpsimulation_value 4281 Simulation Value R/W Float 4096
staticsimulationenable 4283 Static Pressure Simulation R/W BitEnum 4096
staticsimulation_value 4284 Simulation Value R/W Float 4096
sensortempsimulationenable 4286 Sensor Temp Simulation R/W BitEnum 4096
sensortempsimulation_value 4287 Simulation Value R/W Float 4096
polarityInversion 42ED Pressure Input Definition of High (+) and Low (-) sides of the Pressure Inputs R/W Enum 8
Local_DeviceSerialNumber 42F1 Local_DeviceSerialNumber Local_DeviceSerialNumber R/W Unsigned 4096
pdp_value 42D3 PdP Pressure -Diffrenetial Pressure R/W Float 10
pdp_USL 42D4 Pdp USL Upper Sensor Limit Value- Defines the maximum usable value for the Upper Range Value. R Float 8
pdp_LSL 42D5 Pdp LSL Lower Sensor Limit Value- Defines the minimum usable value for the Lower Range Value. R Float 8
pdp_Min_Span 42D6 Pdp Minimum Span Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value. R Float 8
pdp_SSN 42D7 Snsr s/n Sensor Serial Number- Uniquely identifies the sensor from which the Digital Value representation or Field Device variable is primarily derived. R/W Unsigned 2048
pdp_units 4039 Unit Physical unit for process pressure R/W Enum 0
pdpDampingValue 403E Damping Damp an irregular signal R/W Float 8
analogLevel_atFault 41AE O/P during fault Alarm with analog output R Enum 2
staticpr_Value 42D9 StaticPr Value R Float 10
staticPressure_units 404F Static Pressure Unit Static Pressure will be shown in this unit R/W Enum 0
staticPressureDamping 4054 Damping R/W Float 8
sensorTemperature_value 42DB sensor Temperature value R Float 10
sensorTemperature_units 4063 Temperature Unit Sensor Temperature will be shown in this unit R/W Enum 0
sensorTemperature_damping 42DC Sensor Temperature Damping R Float 8
devVar3_Value 42DE devVar3 Value R Float 10
devVar3_Units 42DF Unit R Enum 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class