名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
pdpServiceMaxMinValues_units 4012 pdpServiceMaxMinValues units 枚举 8
staticPressureServiceMaxMinValues_units 4013 staticPressureServiceMaxMinValues units 枚举 8
sensorTemperatureServiceMaxMinValues_units 4014 sensorTemperatureServiceMaxMinValues units 枚举 8
pdpServiceMaxMinValues_lolim 4015 Max.Pressure Value Max value reached by the Pressure Sensor 浮点 2
pdpServiceMaxMinValues_hilim 4016 Min.Pressure Value Min value reached by the Pressure Sensor 浮点 2
staticPressureServiceMaxMinValues_lolim 4017 Min.Static Pressure Value Min value reached by the Static Pressure Sensor 浮点 2
staticPressureServiceMaxMinValues_hilim 4018 Max.Static Pressure Value Max value reached by the Static Pressure Sensor 浮点 2
sensorTemperatureServiceMaxMinValues_lolim 4019 Min.Temperature Value Min value reached by the Sensor Temperature 浮点 2
sensorTemperatureServiceMaxMinValues_hilim 401A Max.Temperature Value Max value reached by the Sensor Temperature 浮点 2
index_array_ServiceMaxMin 401F index array ServiceMaxMin 读/写 索引 4096
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类