Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
totalWorkingTime_day 413B Total Working time_day R Unsigned 8
totalWorkingTime_sec 413C Total Working time_sec R Unsigned 8
partialWorkingTime_sec 413D Partial Working time_0 R Unsigned 8
partialWorkingTime_sec1 413E Partial Working time_1 R Unsigned 8
totalizer1_unit 4140 Unit Engineering unit of the Totalizer R/W Enum 8
totalizer1ConvFactor 4141 Conv.Factor Conversion factor to be applied to the selected Input variable for the Totalizer R/W Float 8
totalizer1_CustomUnitText 4142 Custom Unit Special unit R/W ASCII 8
totalizer1InputSelector 4143 Input Selector Input Selector R/W Enum 8
totalizer1BatchMode_CountDirection 4144 Count direction Direction of the totalization counting R/W Enum 8
totalizer1BatchModePresetvalue 4145 Preset Value Value the batch totalization must reach for UP counting or to start from for DOWN counting R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class