Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
sensorTemperatureSimulationValue 402D Sens.Temp.Val R/W Float 8
index_array_SimulationValues 4034 index array_SimulationValues R/W Index 4096
pdpNewValue 4037 Set PV to desired Value W Float 8
pdpBiasValue_units 403A pdpBiasValue units R Enum 8
pdpBiasValue 403B Bias Value Value used as Bias for the elevation or suppression of the measure in order to match the Output with what desired as New PV R Float 2
pdpScaleIn_hilim 403F Upper Range Value Upper Range Value R/W Float 8
pdpScaleIn_lolim 4040 Lower Range Value Lower Range Value R/W Float 8
pdpCommunication_transferFunction 4043 Linearization Type Curve for output signal R/W Enum 8
pdpCommScaleOut_unit 4047 Unit Unit for digital output R/W Enum 8
pdpCommScaleOut_hilim 4048 Upper Range Value Upper limit for digital output R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class