Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
analogHigh_SaturationLimit 40C2 High Saturation Saturation limit High of the analog output current R/W Float 8
anlaog_lowAlarmValue 40C3 Low Alarm Value < 4mA during a fault. R/W Float 8
anlaog_highAlarmValue 40C4 High Alarm Value > 20mA during a fault R/W Float 8
failSafeType 40C0 Current Fail Safe Source of the Output fault between hardware and Software R Enum 2
parallelShiftValue 40C7 The current meas.value correspond to: W Float 8
pdpValue_units 40C9 pdpValue_units R Enum 8
pdpValue 40CA Pressure R Float 2
staticPressureValue_units 40CB staticPressureValue_units R Enum 8
staticPressureValue 40CC Static Pressure R Float 2
sensorTemperatureValue_units 40CD sensorTemperatureValue_units R Enum 2
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class